• 巴林大奖赛将如期举行

    12-04-13 Formula 1's governing body has confirmed the Bahrain Grand Prix will go ahead on 22 April. F1赛车理事会宣告,巴林大奖赛将于4月22日如期举行。 The decision comes after speculation about the event in the Gulf state, in which civil unrest has continued...

  • 美国跨种族及跨民族婚姻达到最高峰

    12-02-25 Marriage between races and ethnic groups has reached an all-time high in the United States as public acceptance has grown, according to a Pew Research Center study on Thursday. 据周四皮尤调查中心发布的研究结果,随着跨种族和跨民族婚姻逐渐被公众所接受...

  • 美国金融公司因政策歧视被罚3.5亿

    11-12-22 Bank of America's Countrywide Financial business has agreed to pay a record fine of $335m to settle discrimination charges. 美国银行下属美国金融公司同意支付3.35亿美元歧视性罚款。 The US justice department said around 200,000 qualified African-Americ...

  • The Hare and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑

    11-11-07 A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing: Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race. The Hare, believing her assertion(断言,主张) to be simply impossible, assented to(同意) th...

  • 初次离婚率与教育经历、种族相联系

    11-11-04 New research from the National Center for Family and Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University shows there is substantial variation in the first-time divorce rate when it is broken down by race and education. But, there is also evi...

  • 种族主义新形式:相貌歧视

    11-09-10 Some might consider it an ugly truth that attractive people are often more successful than those less blessed with looks. But now our appearance is emerging in legal disputes as a new kind of discrimination. 长相漂亮的人通常比相貌平平的人更成功,这...

  • 马拉松运动员海利将重回赛场

    10-11-16 Marathon world record holder Haile Gebrselassie has announced he will compete again after reversing his decision to retire from athletics. 马拉松世界纪录保持者海利格布雷塞拉西耶宣布将取消退役重回赛...

  • 智利矿工完成纽约马拉松赛

    10-11-08 Edison Pena, the Chilean miner who famously jogged underground while awaiting rescue, has completed the New York City Marathon. 爱迪生佩尼亚等待救援时在矿井中慢跑的智利矿工完成了纽约马拉松赛。 Edison Pena was nicknamed The Runner by his fellow miner...

  • “性别门”主角卡斯特尔·塞门亚本赛季将继续参赛

    10-03-31 World 800m champion Caster Semenya insisted she will race this season, hours after being told to wait for gender-test results to be revealed. 在被告知需要等待性别鉴定结果数小时之后,女子800米世界冠军卡斯特尔塞门亚强调,自己将会继续进行本赛季的比赛。...

  • 研究:肾移植不宜跨种族

    09-11-02 The race of kidney donors may affect the survival rates of transplant recipients(收件人) according to a study by Henry Ford Hospital. We found that transplant between races had better outcomes than transplant across races, says Anita Patel, M.D.,...