• 源自田径运动的英语词汇

    22-11-10 大家熟知的田径运动包括跑、跳、行走、投掷等各项比赛。一些源自田径项目名称的英语单词在日常生活中有相对的引申含义。 1. Which phrase, used in athletics to mean to start the race too soon, also means to do or say something too soon, before you know that...

  • Levidrome 不回文词

    22-10-10 一个早熟的加拿大六岁小孩Levi Budd,发现并没有单词指正反拼写会形成不同词汇的词,于是他聪明地创造了一个新词:levidrome,很显然是结合了他自己的名字和单词palidrome。后者意思为回文,指单词或词组正写和反写都是一样的,例如race car。另一位加拿大人,因《星际...

  • beat someone hollow 彻底打败

    22-08-23 beat someone hollow hollow的本义是空的,无用的,这个短语的意思是彻底打败。 例句: Three fast runners entered the race, but Jim beat them all hollow. 三名短跑运动员参加比赛,而吉姆把他们统统击败。...

  • tip-top 顶呱呱

    22-05-20 单词 tip-top 用来形容人或事物 处于极好的状态 或 完美,一流。 例句 The athlete is in tip-top condition and should win the race. 这位运动员处于巅峰状态,应该会赢得比赛。 The holiday was tip-top I shall definitely return to the same place again one day...

  • 10个和钱有关的英语表达 下

    22-04-26 6、in the money 1) wealthy 富有的 e.g. John is really in the money. Hes worth millions. John真的很富有。他有百万的财产呢。 e.g. If I am ever in the money, Ill be generous. 如果我一直很有钱,我会慷慨解囊的。 2) in the winning position in a race or co...

  • days are numbered 时日无多

    22-01-07 days are numbered numbered有时日无多和有限的意思,所以days are numbered其实是表示某人生命已经时日无多。 The doctors say his days are numbered. They dont have much hope of him surviving this illness. 医生说他已经时日无多。他们对他在这场病中活下来不抱...

  • with righteous indignation 热血沸腾

    21-10-13 热血沸腾,汉语成语,原指血液在身体中快速流动,将内脏产生的热量带到全身,比喻激情高涨、激动。可以翻译为with righteous indignation,with heart afire或ones blood boils等。 例句: 他热血沸腾,仿佛又是一个二十岁的人。 His blood is racing as though he wer...

  • 与“跑步”相关的表达

    21-10-02 每年的六月六日被定为全球跑步日。跑步作为一种简单、健康的运动已经成为很多人生活中不可缺少的锻炼方式。做下面的《英语小测验》,测试你的跑步词汇。 1. A running race of 26.2 miles (42.2 km) is called a(n) ______. a) Iron man b) biathlon c) sprint d) mara...

  • 东京残奥会中国位列金牌榜和奖牌榜榜首

    21-08-30 8月29日,中国军团在东京残奥会上成绩亮眼。 Chinas Paralympians continued their gold rush at Tokyo 2020, pocketing 16 more golds on Sunday and keeping the country atop the medal standings with 46 golds and 104 medals in total. 东京残奥会中国代表团继续...

  • to fly the flag 摇旗呐喊

    21-08-16 如果说某人 fly the flag 那么就表示摇旗呐喊,支持自己的国家(或团体)尤其是在国外。 例句 Ill be flying the flag for the company when I speak at that big conference in India next week. Lang Lang flies the flag for China when he plays on the internatio...