• please see/find attached for more details 详情请见附件

    21-04-16 在使用电子邮件与人交流的过程中,时常需要附上不同类型的文件。比如,图片、音频、文档。 如果需要用英语来告知收件人察看附件中的详细信息,则可以在邮件中写:Please see/find attached for more details. 详情请参照附件。如果只是想提及邮件内含有附件,则可以直...

  • whether,if

    20-10-31 Whether 多用来提出一件事情的两种或者多种可能性;if 多用来说明事情发生的条件。在名词性从句中,if 也可以提出两种可能性,表示 是否 的意思。Whether 和 if 在这类句型中的意思相同,所以它们的用法很容易被混淆。下面,我们会着重讲解当 whether 和 if 在名词性从...

  • 我太难了。 My life is so hard.

    20-10-19 我太难了一般不用Im so difficult./Im so hard.来表达,而是用My life is so hard/difficult. 此外,虽然hard和difficult都可以表示困难的、艰难的,但它俩也是有区别的。 hard question/decision/test. hard:习惯用来指体力和精神方面所感受到的困难与艰苦,程度没有...

  • 英国希望变性的女生人数急剧增加

    17-05-13 The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist. 英国国民保健系统(NHS)一位著名心理学家表示,假小子的流行致使希望变性的女生人数急剧增加。 New statistics show...

  • Are Flies Yummy? 苍蝇好吃吗?

    16-08-25 Tony and his father are eating dinner. Suddenly Tony asks his father, Dad, are flies yummy? Dad frowns and says, No, I think its yucky. Why do you ask me this question? Its a silly question. But Tony says, There was one fly in your plate. 托尼正和他...

  • Cheater 作弊者

    16-05-06 In class one day, Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk after a test, and said, Johnny, I have a feeling that you have been cheating on your tests. Johnny was astounded and asked Mr. Johnson to prove it. Well, said Mr. Johnson, I was looking ov...

  • 让人完全摸不着头脑的一道考题

    15-12-19 One perplexed student, known on social media site Imgur as 'Esperagon' and thought to be a student at Sheridan College in Toronto, found himself in exactly that situation after reading a question on his film degree paper and finding that no amount o...

  • 2014网络流行语翻译盘点

    15-04-09 有钱就是任性 Rich and Bitch 也是醉了 Are you kidding me? 这画面太美我不敢看 It's so beautiful that I'm too scared to open it. 只想安静地做个美男子 I just want to be a quiet and handsome man. 那么问题来了 So the question is 且行且珍惜 It is to be che...

  • Who We Are

    14-10-13 The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any importance is: How shall we enjoy life, and who can best enjoy life? No perfectionism, no straining after the unattainable, no postulating of he unknowable; but taking p...

  • 闻斯行诸

    14-06-16 One day Confucius was asked by one of his students, Zi Lu, Is it right that I may just go and do it whenever I hear about something of significance? Confucius answered, That is not the case! Because you are needed in your home by your father and bro...