• be caught off guard 猝不及防

    22-11-15 猝不及防,汉语成语,形容事情来得突然,来不及防备。可以翻译为be caught off guard; be caught unprepared; be taken by surprise等。 例句: 这个问题令她猝不及防。 The question caught her completely off-guard....

  • 感叹用语

    22-10-24 英语中有不少固定的感叹表达,正确使用这些表达可以使说话时的语气更加生动。《英语小测验》测试你对最常用的感叹语句的理解和运用。 1. In what situation would we use the following exclamation? Guess what! a) When we dont know the answer to a question. b) W...

  • 疑惑追问

    22-08-15 Just to clarify,... 我想确认一下... May I ask a follow-up question? 我能就你说的问个问题吗? Could you say more (about it)? 你能多解释一下吗? Could you elaborate on this? 你能详细解释一下吗? 上述的句子都是在听了别人的看法之后,不确定自己是否理解正...