• 拔草 长草

    21-04-20 拔草:no longer longing for something or removing something from shopping cart 指不再挂念某物或者从购物车里移出某件东西 I removed that perfume from my shopping cart. 我拔草了那款香水。 长草:the growing desire to buy a particular product or experien...

  • take a well-earned break 好好休息一下

    21-04-17 表达 take a well-earned break 的意思是 在长时间的辛苦劳累后好好地休息、放松一下。合成形容词 well-earned 在这里着重表达 应该的、理所应当的。 例句 After studying hard for my exams, I took a well-earned break. 在为了考试刻苦学习之后,我好好地休息了一下...

  • 元气森林致歉声明登热搜

    21-04-14 如今,不少人为了追求健康都选择喝无糖饮料。元气森林凭借0糖、0脂肪、0卡路里的宣传卖点迅速抢占市场,成为了国内的网红饮料品牌。 而近日,元气森林的一则致歉声明却登上了热搜。 China beverage brand Genki Forest apologized Saturday for deceptively advertisin...

  • steal a march on someone 先发制人

    21-04-11 表达 steal a march on someone 的意思是 通过先发制人的方式获得优势,抢先对手一步。这个表达可用在描述人与人或企业之间竞争的语境中。 例句 We really managed to steal a march on our competitor by getting our product to market early. 我们确实抢先竞争对手...

  • 韩剧植入中国广告产品引发韩国观众不满

    21-03-20 电视剧《文森佐》在韩国热播,然而最近,剧中的一个中国拌饭却引发了韩国观众的怒火。 据《韩国时报》网站报道,在上周日播出的剧集中,出现了宋仲基和全汝彬两名主演一起吃即食拌饭的场景。然而随着镜头拉近,植入广告产品包装上自嗨锅三个大字映入眼帘,大多数韩国观...

  • available和accessible有什么区别

    20-12-31 首先,available 和 accessible 都是形容词,它们意思的相似处在于两者都能用来表示 可以得到的。下面,我首先围绕 available 和 accessible 的相似处,来对比它们的用法区别,然后再补充这两个词各自独有的意思和用法。 形容词 available 的意思包括 可以得到的,可以...

  • me-too product 跟风产品

    20-12-27 Me-too product is a product created by a company that is similar to a competitors product in order to prevent that competitor from maximizing its market share. 跟风产品(me-too product)是一个公司生产的跟竞争者产品类似的产品,目的是阻止竞争者把市场...

  • 社交媒体影响力对个人购买行为的影响

    20-11-08 Have you ever been on social media and seen your favourite celebrity talking about a product? These endorsements might not be totally random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The question is: How do social media influe...

  • personalized pricing 个性化定价

    18-03-01 Personalized pricing refers to offering different retail prices to different customers for the same product. 个性化定价指的是针对同一件商品,为不同的顾客提供不同零售价的定价策略。 As more supermarkets experiment with personalized pricing, the more l...

  • 中国将完善产品质量可追溯系统

    17-10-24 China will complete its product quality traceability system by 2020. 中国将于2020年前完善产品质量可追溯系统。 A recent guideline, jointly issued by the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and nine other central departments, said the traceability system would...