• 特朗普煽动国会暴乱遭弹劾

    21-01-14 The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached Donald Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States a week after he encouraged a mob of his supporters to storm the US Capitol, a historic condemnation that...

  • 美国国会确认拜登当选下一任总统

    21-01-08 The US Congress certified Democrat Joe Bidens presidential election victory with 306 Electoral College votes early Thursday morning, after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, halting the certification process for several hours....

  • 《时代》2020年度人物:拜登和哈里斯

    20-12-12 At some point during their time in the White House, every elected US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been named Time magazines Person of the Year. 自从富兰克林D罗斯福以来,美国当选的每一任总统在入主白宫期间的某一个时刻都曾被选为《时代》杂...

  • 习近平致电祝贺拜登当选美国总统

    20-11-29 11月25日,国家主席习近平致电约瑟夫拜登,祝贺他当选美国总统。 Promoting healthy and stable development of China-US relations not only serves the fundamental interests of the people in both countries, but also meets the common expectation of the inter...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 5

    20-09-16 Everyone was glad of a holiday next morning, and all lingered over the breakfast-table, till Mrs Jo suddenly exclaimed: Why, theres a dog! And on the threshold of the door appeared a great deer-hound, standing motionless, with his eyes fixed on Dan....

  • 《Frost/Nixon》福斯特对话尼克松

    20-09-06 Frost/Nixon is a 2008 historical drama film based on the 2006 play of the same name by Peter Morgan which tells the story behind the Frost/Nixon interviews of 1977. The film was directed by Ron Howard and produced for Universal Pictures by Howard, B...

  • 乌克兰总统希望今秋在东部举行选举

    20-02-12 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he feels it will be possible to hold the elections in the East of Ukraine this fall, Interfax-Ukraine reported on Tuesday. 乌克兰国际文传电讯社周二报道,乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔泽连斯基表示,他感觉今年秋...

  • 习近平夫妇在上海会见马克龙夫妇

    19-11-06 Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan on Tuesday met with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron in Shanghai. 本周二,中国国家主席习近平与夫人彭丽媛在上海会见了法国总统埃马纽埃尔马克龙与夫人布丽吉特马克龙。 Upo...

  • 2020大选特朗普将继续与副总统搭档

    19-06-27 U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he will stick with Vice President Mike Pence as his running mate during the 2020 presidential elections. 美国总统特朗普周三表示,2020年大选他将继续选择副总统迈克彭斯作为竞选伙伴。 Mike has been a great v...

  • 特朗普展示空军一号新配色

    19-06-14 U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday unveiled a red, white and blue paint job for new Air Force One jets. 美国总统特朗普周四展示了空军一号客机的红白蓝新配色。 Trump, who has expressed an intention to replace the traditional baby blue and white ex...