• 奥巴马演讲 Holiday Greetings

    10-04-05 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House April 3, 2009 This is a week of faithful celebration. On Monday and Tuesday nights, Jewish families and friends in the United States and around the world gathered for a Seder to commem...

  • 奥巴马赞女儿顺利适应白宫生活

    10-04-05 President Barack Obama had a big pat on the back for his young daughters on Tuesday, saying they have taken swimmingly to life in the White House. 本周二,美国总统贝拉克奥巴马(在接受一个采访时)对两个女儿大加赞赏,称她们已经顺利适应了白宫生活。 Mal...

  • 尼日利亚牧师会见亚拉杜瓦总统

    10-04-03 Senior Nigerian clerics have told the BBC they have met the country's ailing President, Umaru Yar'Adua, saying he had difficulty speaking. 尼日利亚一些高级神职人员接受BBC采访是称,他们曾会见过抱病的亚拉杜瓦总统,他目前说话困难。 President Umaru Yar'...

  • 苏丹反对党要求自由、公平选举

    10-04-03 A key northern opposition party in Sudan has issued an ultimatum to President Omar al-Bashir to ensure free and fair elections this month. 苏丹北方一个主要反对党向总统奥马尔巴希尔发出最后通牒:必须确保本月选举自由、公平地进行。 If Sadiq al-Mahdi's p...

  • 阿富汗总统试图打消美国对其反西方演讲的顾虑

    10-04-03 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has telephoned Washington to allay concerns about a speech in which he criticised Western involvement in his country. 阿富汗总统哈米德卡尔扎伊致电华盛顿,意在减轻美国方面对其西方国家干涉阿富汗内政的言论的顾虑。 Hamid Ka...

  • 苏丹主要总统候选人亚瑟尔·阿尔曼退出选举

    10-04-01 A leading contender for president of Sudan has withdrawn his candidacy, casting more doubt over the country's first fully-contested poll since 1986. 苏丹一位主要总统候选人放弃候选资格,使该国自1986年以来的首次全民选举产生了更多的疑问。 Yassir Arman'...

  • 塞拉利昂医护人员停止罢工

    10-03-29 Health workers in Sierra Leone say they will end their 10-day strike, after the president agreed in a late-night deal to increase their pay six-fold. 塞拉利昂总统在一场深夜谈判中同意将医护人员的工资增长5倍,医护人员因此将终止持续10天的罢工。 Some ho...

  • 智利举行守夜仪式纪念地震亡者

    10-03-28 Chilean President Sebastian Pinera has attended a vigil to commemorate exactly one month since a massive earthquake struck the south of the country. 智利总统塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉参加了为纪念一个月前在地震中不幸丧生的人而举行的守夜仪式。 President Pinera...

  • 奥巴马演讲 "On Behalf of My Mother"

    10-03-28 THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Fired up! Ready to go! Fired up! Ready to go! THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Mr. President, I think we got a happy room here. (Laughter.) It seems ridiculous to say thank you all for being her...

  • 长相酷似奥巴马 摄影师变身超级明星

    10-03-27 因长相酷似美国总统奥巴马,印度尼西亚一位34岁的青少年杂志摄影师在几年间变身成为超级明星。 Jakarta photographer Ilham Anas, in full President Obama persona with reporters in tow, tours the school the real Obama attended as a boy. Striding(大步行走,...