• 进口植物给美国植被带来害虫与疾病

    12-04-10 The trade in live plants from around the world has become a major industry in the United States, with new imports now valued at more than $500 billion annually. According to a study conducted by researchers at UC Santa Barbara's National Center for...

  • 人为噪音对植物有涟漪效应

    12-03-22 A growing body of research shows that birds and other animals change their behavior in response to humanmade noise, such as the din(喧嚣) of traffic or the hum(嗡嗡声) of machinery. But human clamor doesn't just affect animals. Because many anim...

  • 耐盐性小麦研究取得突破

    12-03-13 A team of Australian scientists involving the University of Adelaide has bred salt tolerance into a variety of durum wheat(硬质小麦) that shows improved grain yield by 25% on salty soils. Using 'non-GM' crop breeding techniques, scientists from CS...

  • 植物如何对付寄生虫和病菌

    12-03-07 In nature, how do host species survive parasite attacks? This has not been well understood, until now. A new mathematical model shows that when a host and its parasite each have multiple traits governing their interaction, the host has a unique evol...

  • 植物也有“嗅觉”

    12-03-06 People and animals are not the only ones who can smell. Plants are also able to perceive odors(气味) , but they process them in a very different way . While insects or mammals smell odors within a second of exposure, plants require much longer exp...

  • 三万年前种子成功发芽

    12-02-21 Scientists in Russia have grown plants from fruit stored away in permafrost by squirrels over 30,000 years ago. 俄罗斯科学家将三万多年前松鼠埋藏在永久冻土层中的果实培育成活。 The fruits grew into healthy plants, though subtly different from modern e...

  • 植物利用生物钟备战昆虫

    12-02-14 In a study of the molecular underpinnings of plants' pest resistance, Rice University biologists have shown that plants both anticipate daytime raids by hungry insects and make sophisticated preparations to fend them off. When you walk past plants,...

  • 植物的出现引发了冰河世纪

    12-02-03 New research reveals how the arrival of the first plants 470 million years ago triggered a series of ice ages. Led by the Universities of Exeter and Oxford, the study is published in Nature Geoscience. The team set out to identify the effects that t...

  • 引进外来物种时需谨慎对待

    12-01-05 A recent analysis led by ecologist Bethany Bradley at the University of Massachusetts Amherst suggests that climate change predicted for the United States will boost demand for imported drought- and heat-tolerant landscaping plants from Africa and t...

  • 埃菲尔铁塔将被装以60万株植物

    11-12-03 大名鼎鼎的埃菲尔铁塔明年可能变身为世界上最大的绿树:用60万株植物装饰这座巴黎乃至法国最富盛名的地标性建筑。 A French company wants to turn the Eiffel Tower into a heaving, breathing, botanical(植物学的) giant by draping its mass of metal struts(框...