• 除草剂可能影响某些农作物生长

    11-11-24 Purdue University researchers have discovered a fine-tuning mechanism involved in plant root growth that has them questioning whether a popular herbicide may have unintended consequences, causing some plants to need more water or nutrients. Angus Mu...

  • 蛋白质在植物趋光性中起重要作用

    11-10-13 Plants do not have eyes or legs, yet they are able to see and move toward and away from light. This ability, called phototropism(趋光性) , is controlled by a series of molecular-level signals between proteins inside and between plant cells. In a p...

  • 非侵入性木本植物栽培需谨慎

    11-10-10 Cultivars(栽培品种) of popular ornamental woody plants that are being sold in the United States as non-invasive are probably anything but(根本不) , according to an analysis by botanical(植物学的) researchers published in the October issue of B...

  • 林鼠如何对付植物毒素

    11-08-10 Life is tough for woodrats in deserts of the U.S. Southwest. There are few plants for food, and those plants produce poison to deter rodents(啮齿动物) , insects and other animals. A new University of Utah study shows how certain woodrats put thems...

  • 伊朗加紧铀浓缩步伐

    11-07-20 Iran says it is installing newer and faster centrifuges at its nuclear plants, with the goal of speeding up the uranium enrichment process. 伊朗正在其核电站安装更新、更快的离心机,意在加速铀浓缩计划的实施。 The Bushehr nuclear plant, Iran's first nu...

  • 气候变暖导致春天提前来临

    11-07-07 Spring is hailed as the season of rebirth, but if it comes too early, it can threaten the plants it is meant to welcome. A University of Alberta study shows that climate change over the past 70 years has pushed some of the province's native wildflow...

  • 德国将于2022年关闭所有核电站

    11-05-30 Germany's ruling coalition says it has agreed a date of 2022 for the shutdown of all of its nuclear power plants. 德国执政联盟同意在2022年某天关闭境内所有核电站。 Environment Minister Norbert Rottgen made the announcement after a meeting of the ruli...

  • 蝎毒可用于制造杀虫剂

    11-04-28 Fables have long cast scorpions as bad-natured killers of hapless(倒霉的) turtles that naively agree to ferry them across rivers. Michigan State University scientists, however, see them in a different light. Ke Dong, MSU insect toxicologist and ne...

  • 植物是如何应对“压力”的

    11-04-26 Like people, plants experience stress. And also, like people, the response to that stress can determine success. People can exercise, or rest, or talk about the problem. For plants, ways to deal with stress are internal. And ISU researchers are tryi...

  • 植物体内的芥末油由酶催化合成

    11-03-18 Plants are continually exposed to herbivore(食草动物) attack. To defend themselves, they have developed sophisticated chemical defense mechanisms. Plants of the mustard family, such as thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), produce glucosinolates (mu...