• 乌拉圭政府公布大麻合法化细则

    14-05-04 The Uruguayan authorities have revealed how marijuana will be produced and sold legally in the country. 乌拉圭当局宣布如何合法地在国内生产、销售大麻。 Home growers will be allowed to keep up to six cannabis plants per household Licensed pharmacies w...

  • 植物化学的基因分析

    14-05-02 Plants spend their entire lifetime rooted to one spot. When faced with a bad situation, such as a swarm of hungry herbivores(食草动物) or a viral(滤过性毒菌的) outbreak, they have no option to flee but instead must fight to survive. What is the...

  • 研究发现陆地食草动物的祖先

    14-04-17 New research from the University of Toronto Mississauga demonstrates how carnivores(食肉动物) transitioned into herbivores for the first time on land. The evolution of herbivory(食草性) was revolutionary to life on land because it meant terrestr...

  • 史前灭绝植物莱式蕨的模拟图

    14-04-14 Jeff Benca is an admitted ber-geek when it comes to prehistoric plants, so it was no surprise that, when he submitted a paper describing a new species of long-extinct lycopod(石松植物) for publication, he ditched the standard line drawing and insi...

  • 永久冻土消融会加速全球变暖

    14-04-09 A team of researchers lead by Florida State University have found new evidence that permafrost(永久冻土) thawing is releasing large quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere via plants, which could accelerate warming trends. The research...

  • 蜂鸟2200万年的进化图

    14-04-06 The first comprehensive map of hummingbirds' 22-million-year-old family tree -- reconstructed based on careful analysis of 284 of the world's 338 known species -- tells a story of rapid and ongoing diversification. The decade-long study reported in...

  • 植物在进化中也会产生武器

    14-03-24 Rutting stags and clawing bears are but two examples of male animals fighting over a mate, but research in New Phytologist has uncovered the first evidence of similar male struggles leading to the evolution of weaponry in plants. The team, led by Dr...

  • 北美荒漠中发现两种新罂粟

    14-03-13 Who said that there is only sand in the deserts? Not quite desert roses, two new species of desert poppies from North America prove such statements wrong with their simple beauty. The newly described plants are found in the deserts of California and...

  • 火山帮助众多物种躲过冰河时期

    14-03-12 An international team of researchers has found evidence that the steam and heat from volcanoes and heated rocks allowed many species of plants and animals to survive past ice ages, helping scientists understand how species respond to climate change....

  • 脉冲光使太空蔬菜更有营养

    14-03-06 Exposing leafy vegetables grown during spaceflight to a few bright pulses of light daily could increase the amount of eye-protecting nutrients produced by the plants, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder. One...