• 《故都的秋》节选

    21-06-17 《故都的秋》节选 Autumn in Peiping 作者:郁达夫 译者:张培基 Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itself. In North China, however, it is particularly limpid, serene and melancholy. 秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,...

  • 长得较高的植物向更温暖的北极地区移动

    21-04-02 有研究称,低矮灌木、草地以及其它生长在北极地区的植物正变得越来越高。这一结果来自一位分析过三十年植物测量资料的科学家。该数据是从阿拉斯加、加拿大、冰岛、斯堪的纳维亚和俄罗斯等地采集到的,它表明是气候变暖推动了这一变化。 You have to be pretty hardy to...

  • 气候变化:北极驯鹿数量跌半

    21-04-01 在过去的二十年间,北极地区的北美驯鹿(或野生驯鹿)的总数已骤减多半。一份关于北极地区气候变化影响的新报告显示,这类驯鹿的总数从近五百万只下降到约二百一十万只。这项报告在美国地球物理联盟(American Geophysical Union)会议上发表。 A warmer Arctic and gr...

  • 气候变暖让秋天的树叶提早变色掉落

    20-12-07 As the days shorten and temperatures drop in the northern hemisphere, leaves begin to turn. We can enjoy glorious autumnal colours while the leaves are still on the trees and, later, kicking through a red, brown and gold carpet when out walking. 随...

  • “橄榄树麻风病” 蔓延欧洲 可造成重大经济损失

    20-11-21 研究人员表示,一种致命病原体对欧洲橄榄树的侵害所造成的经济损失可达200多亿欧元。研究人员模拟了这种名叫叶缘焦枯病菌(Xylella fastidiosa)的病原体未来的最坏影响,这种病原体已经杀死了意大利的大片树木。 Xylella is considered to be one of the most dangero...

  • 飞蛾作为传粉者扮演着重要的 “秘密角色”

    20-11-17 新的研究显示,飞蛾在夜间作为多种花卉及植物的传粉者起着至关重要的作用。飞蛾的运输网络比蜜蜂等日间传粉的昆虫更大、更复杂。 Long seen as fluttering pests that make holes in your clothes, scientists now say we have badly misjudged the humble moth. While...

  • 英国皇家植物园:全球五分之二的植物面临灭绝

    20-11-17 科学家们说,他们正与时间赛跑,在新物种灭绝之前为它们提供命名和描述。英国皇家植物园 邱园(Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)称,植物和真菌有望成为未来的药物、燃料和食品。 Kews State of the Worlds Plants and Fungi report shows an estimated 140,000 plants ar...

  • 在家里养盆栽好不好?

    20-10-24 Theres no place like home. Its the place where were surrounded by our possessions and creature comforts. We purchase things to give our homes a personal touch and create a certain ambience. And one thing were buying more of is houseplants. But are t...

  • 故都的秋

    20-10-21 秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这秋,这故都的秋味。 Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itse...

  • 用菠萝叶子做包包

    20-10-11 Picking pineapples can be arduous, heavy work often with little reward. The price paid for each individual fruit is a fraction of a penny. 采摘菠萝可是一项苦差事,而且往往回报甚微。每个菠萝的价格仅是一便士的零头。 The leaves from pineapple plants ar...