• 地球最古老的陆生生物化石

    16-03-03 A fossil dating from 440 million years ago is not only the oldest example of a fossilised fungus, but is also the oldest fossil of any land-dwelling organism yet found. The organism, and others like it, played a key role in laying the groundwork for...

  • 植物如何在低氧的环境中进行光合作用

    16-02-28 During the daytime, plants convert the Sun's energy into sugars using photosynthesis, a complex, multi-stage biochemical process. New work from a team including Carnegie's Mark Heinnickel, Wenqiang Yang, and Arthur Grossman identified a protein need...

  • 利用磁悬浮原理的空中盆栽

    16-02-05 Humans seem to be obsessed with things that float, like hoverboards, UFOs and levitating Bluetooth speakers. A Kickstarter project wants to extend that love for the defiance of gravity to plant life. Air Bonsai uses the power of magnetic levitation...

  • 中国三峡集团获巴西两座水电站运营权

    15-11-26 China Three Gorges (CTG) on Wednesday won the rights to operate two major hydroelectric plants in Brazil, the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (Aneel) said. 巴西电力监管机构宣布,中国三峡集团周三获得巴西两座大型水电站的运营权。 The Brazilian...

  • 瑞典科学家创造电子植物

    15-11-24 Researchers at Linkping University in Sweden have created analog and digital electronics circuits inside living plants. The group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE), under the leadership of Professor Magnus Berggren, have used the vascul...

  • 在污染土地中生长对树木有利?

    15-10-16 The very act of tolerating some forms of soil pollution may give trees an advantage in the natural world, says University of Montreal plant biologists. Their findings were published this week in BMC Plant Biology. High chemical tolerant plants can b...

  • 新技术使修改动植物基因更简单

    15-09-10 Within the past few years, a new technology has made altering genes in plants and animals much easier than before. The tool, called CRISPR/Cas9 or just CRISPR, has spurred a flurry of research that could one day lead to hardier crops and livestock,...

  • 复合生物繁殖的最早先例

    15-08-04 Researchers led by the University of Cambridge have found the earliest example of reproduction in a complex organism. Their new study has found that some organisms known as rangeomorphs, which lived 565 million years ago, reproduced by taking a join...

  • 沙漠深处的蓄水层存储大量的碳排放

    15-07-29 The world's deserts may be storing some of the climate-changing carbon dioxide emitted by human activities, a new study suggests. Massive aquifers underneath deserts could hold more carbon than all the plants on land, according to the new research....

  • 植物基因组可使植物适应气候应激

    15-07-10 A new study led by a Kansas State University geneticist has shown that genomic signatures of adaptation in crop plants can help predict how crop varieties respond to stress from their environments. It is the first study to document that these genomi...