• 食虫蝙蝠与猪笼草相生相利

    15-07-10 In Borneo, some insectivorous bats have developed a rather intriguing relationship with carnivorous pitcher plants. The plants offer the bats a relatively cool place to roost, free of parasites and competition from other bats. In return, the bats ke...

  • 三角恐龙牙齿的复杂性

    15-06-08 When it comes to the three-horned dinosaur called the Triceratops, science is showing the ancient creatures might have been a little more complex than we thought. In fact, their teeth were far more intricate than any reptile or mammal living today....

  • 冷凝器镀层可以使发电效率更高

    15-06-04 Most of the world's electricity-producing power plants -- whether powered by coal, natural gas, or nuclear fission -- make electricity by generating steam that turns a turbine. That steam then is condensed back to water, and the cycle begins again....

  • 植物干细胞中染色体终端的作用

    15-05-04 The role played by telomeres in mammalian cells has been known for several years. It is also known that these non-coding DNA sequences, which are found at the ends of the chromosomes, protect them and are necessary to ensure correct cell division. W...

  • 农药中的新烟碱对野蜂有害

    15-04-23 Neonicotinoids are used for seed dressing of rapeseed, to protect the young plants against flea beetles. Since 2013, use of this type of pesticide has been restricted by the EU for crops that are attractive to bees. The research findings have now be...

  • 法国商业区新建筑物屋顶须由“绿色”覆盖

    15-04-17 Rooftops on new buildings built in commercial zones in France must either be partially covered in plants or solar panels, under a law approved on Thursday. 法国议会3月19日通过新法案,规定法国商业区的新建筑物屋顶须由植物或太阳能电池板部分覆盖。 Green...

  • 北美地区发现一种新型农作物病毒

    15-04-13 The switchgrass exhibited mosaic symptoms--splotchy, discolored leaves--characteristic of a viral infection, yet tested negative for known infections. Deep sequencing, a new technology, revealed the plants were infected with a new virus in the genus...

  • 加拉巴哥岛濒危陆龟嗜食入侵植物

    15-04-07 Most research on the role of introduced species of plants and animals stresses their negative ecological impacts. But are all introduced species bad actors? In one fascinating case the answer might be no. The iconic giant tortoises of the Galapagos...

  • 北京将升级城市绿化带对抗PM2.5

    15-04-02 This year, Beijing plans to upgrade some of the city's green belts with plants that have strong dust retention ability, in an effort to combat PM2.5 and improve air quality. 18 types of plants have been selected for the trial program. 北京计划在今年...

  • 北极苔原上的湖泊正逐渐消失

    15-03-13 Ponds in the Arctic tundra are shrinking and slowly disappearing, according to a new study by University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) researchers. More than 2,800 Arctic tundra ponds in the northern region of Alaska's Barrow Peninsula were analyzed us...