• 和“年迈”有关的英语词汇

    21-10-02 尊重老人是我国一大传统美德,每逢重阳节,很多会街道、居委会、公司等会通过开展多样的活动来表示对长者们的爱戴和尊重。比如,有些退休的老人们会一起去登山踏秋、插茱萸等。试做下面六道和 晚年 有关的题目 。 1. When you are old enough (or wealthy enough) you...

  • 美国国会试图削减奥巴马的退休金

    17-05-13 Congress may seek to cut the pension of Barack Obama following his decision to accept a $400,000 fee for an upcoming speech to Wall Street executives. 美国国会可能试图削减奥巴马的退休金。因为他将以40万美元(约合276万元人民币)的出场费给华尔街高管们...

  • 建行创立养老基金子公司

    15-11-23 China Construction Bank has launched a pension funds management subsidiary. 中国建设银行创立养老基金管理子公司。 The new firm, named Jianxin Pension Fund Management Corporation, is the first of its kind in China. The company has a registered capital...

  • 养老保险基金投资将多元化

    15-03-12 China is mulling a diversified investment scheme for the massive pension fund with professional help to boost the value of the fund, a senior official said on Tuesday.Yin Weimin, China's human resources and social security minister, made the remarks...

  • 关于养老保险的词汇

    15-03-04 我国的养老保险体系包括以下三部分:城镇居民社会养老保险social endowment insurance system for non-working urban residents 城镇职工养老保险体系endowment insurance system for the urban working group 新型农村社会养老保险制度new social endowment insurance...

  • house-for-pension scheme 以房养老

    12-08-28 It was released in the document that the government will accelerate the establishment of a tax-deferred pension insurance system and explore the house-for-pension scheme . 根据文件,(广州)政府将加快推进延税型养老保险制度,并探索发展以房养老。 文中...

  • dual pension scheme 退休金双轨制

    11-09-01 Netizens called for the scraping of the long-time dual pension scheme , in which civil servants and other public employees were entitled to pensions several times the amount of citizens employed by non-public entities. 网民呼吁废除长久以来一直在实行...

  • 法国养老金改革法案将进行最终投票

    10-10-27 France's National Assembly is set to take a final vote on a controversial pension reform bill, with President Nicolas Sarkozy hoping it will bring an end to a series of damaging strikes. 法国国会将要就颇具争议的养老金改革法案进行最终投票,总统萨科奇...

  • 法国工人大罢工已持续七天

    10-10-20 French workers are set to continue their protests against planned pension reforms as a rolling strike enters its seventh day. 法国工人计划继续反抗政府的养老金制度改革,他们举行的罢工已进入第七天。 Transport workers say they will continue their prote...

  • 萨科奇坚持继续进行退休金改革

    10-10-19 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has insisted he will press ahead with pension reforms despite a gathering momentum of strike action. 尽管民众罢工行动势头正足,法国总统尼古拉萨科奇坚持继续进行退休金改革。 Oil refineries have been shut for a week, hu...