• 经常加班会增加患中风或心脏病的风险

    15-09-14 Regularly staying late at the office significantly increases the risk of having a stroke or heart attack, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,经常在办公室里加班会使患中风或心脏病的风险显著增加。 Working just an hour extra each day pushes up stroke...

  • 2015中国大陆电影票房已超297亿

    15-09-06 Chinese mainland box office in 2015 has surpassed 29.7 billion yuan, or around 4.6 billion USD. 2015年中国大陆电影票房已超过297亿元人民币,约合46亿美元。 The figure is not only a 48.5% increase compared to the same period last year, it also beats th...

  • It's Too Quiet in Here

    15-08-18 It's Too Quiet in Here Carolyn Guinzio A sparrow mistook a light for the light of day. A contractor penciled Transitional Space on the plans. A woman parked next to the airport and stood on top of her truck. In an empty office, a fax inched out of t...

  • My Father's Letter

    15-08-18 My Father's Letter Hope Maxwell Snyder We find it in the post office box downtown. In a short skirt, refusing to bend, my mother hands me the key. On my knees, I study the light blue envelope bordered in red-and-blue stripes, stamped with American w...

  • live-action animation 真人动画电影

    15-08-13 According to the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), live-action animation Monster Hunt had raked in more than 1.35billion yuan in box office by Sunday, just ten days after its public launch on July 16. 国...

  • 中国影院票房首次月超50亿

    15-07-30 New figures suggest the Chinese box office has, for the first time, generated more than 5 billion yuan in revenue in a calendar month. 最新数据显示,中国影院票房首次在一个公历月内超过50亿元人民币。 As of today, Chinese theatres have taken in nearly...

  • work martyrs 职场先烈

    15-07-30 There's at least one in every office - someone who never uses his or her vacation time, always stays late, and always comes in, even when sick and coughing. Their bosses might claim they're model employees, but colleagues might instead call them wor...

  • 动画电影小黄人统领北美票房

    15-07-14 Universal Pictures' Minions is believed to have racked up over 115 million U.S. dollars at the North American box office over the weekend. 环球影业的小黄人上周末在北美票房已达1.15亿美元。 This makes it the second biggest opening for an animated film...

  • 英国4百多万上班族选择家庭办公

    15-06-12 More than four million people now work from home as technological advances reduces the need to travel to an office. 随着科技发展,英国超过4百万上班族选择家庭办公,无需通勤。 Official data reveals one in seven people in employment now work from home,...

  • office hit list 办公室谋杀名单

    15-05-13 Office hit list is a list of people with whom you work and whom you would also like to murder. But you never would because you're not a murderer so it's an office hit list instead of just a regular hit list that refers to a list of would-be victims...