• 英国发现侏罗纪时期海洋生物化石

    21-09-14 A race against time to reveal our ancient past. 考古人员为揭开远古的奥秘争分夺秒。 The team from the Natural History Museum has just three days to excavate this unique site. 英国自然历史博物馆的这支团队只有三天时间来挖掘这个独特的遗址。 The Cotswold...

  • 上海天文馆7月17日正式开馆

    21-07-14 全球建筑规模最大的天文馆上海天文馆(上海科技馆分馆)计划于7月17日正式开馆,18日起对公众开放。上海天文馆门票价格方案已确定,普通门票价格定为30元/人。 上海天文馆建筑面积约3.8万平方米,主建筑以优美的螺旋形态构成天体运行轨道,独具特色的圆洞天窗、球幕影...

  • 霍金办公室遗物将被公开展出

    21-06-10 He was the worlds most inspiring scientist. His research, photographs and letters are his legacy to the world and they are to be saved for the nation. His son Tim sees many of them for the first time including a letter that his father wrote to his d...

  • 我国将于2035年基本建成世界博物馆强国

    21-05-26 为持续推进我国博物馆事业高质量发展,国家文物局等9部门5月24日发布关于推进博物馆改革发展的指导意见。 China has set the goal of becoming a museum powerhouse by 2035, according to the guideline. China plans to upgrade 10 to 15 museums into world-class m...

  • 盘点世界各地奇特的博物馆

    21-05-18 1. Leilas Hair Museum 莱拉头发博物馆 These days, the idea of hair jewelry seems like something that should be left to stalkers and serial killers, but during the Victorian Era, it was common to create and wear jewelry made from hairespecially the ha...

  • 埃及直播法老木乃伊搬家

    21-04-06 4月3日晚,埃及首都开罗上演了一场史诗级盛大仪式法老的金色游行(The Pharaohs Golden Parade)。 仪式的主角是22具古埃及法老和王后木乃伊,一列金色车队将他们从始建于1858年的埃及国家博物馆转移至新建的埃及文明博物馆,电视和流媒体全程直播。 晚8时许,在军乐队...

  • 千奇百怪的博物馆 总有一个适合你

    21-01-07 一提到博物馆,不少人会想到 国家博物馆、古代历史博物馆、艺术博物馆 等常见的字眼。这类规模甚大的博物馆内通常陈列着和特定艺术、历史和文化有关的经典展品。但有一些博物馆则不遵循惯例,它们致力于收藏古怪而离奇的展品。幸好每个人的兴趣和品味都不同,所以总有...

  • 英国自然历史博物馆重新开放

    20-10-11 A cathedral to nature, forced into an unseasonal hibernation. 一座将大自然汇集一处的大教堂被迫进入了非季节性的休眠。 The pandemic closed the Natural History Museum for its longest period since World War Two. And like businesses everywhere as they re...

  • 八达岭长城将全网络实名制预约售票

    19-05-28 In a bid to keep crowd sizes down, authorities in charge of the Badaling section of the Great Wall in northern Beijing are introducing real-name online ticketing as of June 1st, with daily ticketing being capped at 65,000 per day, reports the Beijin...

  • 圆明园启动“修复1860”项目

    19-05-13 Beijings Yuanmingyuan, also known as the Old Summer Palace, has kicked off its Restoration 1860 project. 北京圆明园,即圆明园遗址,已启动修复1860项目。 This project is to restore the cultural relics unearthed in Yuanmingyuan and it is open to public...