23-07-06 北京大运河博物馆年底开放、三山五园文保示范区今年建成北京市文物局发布的年度文博领域重点任务显示,北京大力推进博物馆之城建设,今年年内一批博物馆、文化公园将上新。 A batch of museums and parks will be built or opened in Beijing this year, the Beijing M...
22-12-31 香港故宫文化博物馆 Hong Kong Palace Museum 香港故宫文化博物馆于7月3日正式向公众开放,来自北京故宫博物院的900余件珍贵文物在开幕展中轮换展出。2022年是香港回归祖国25周年。 The Hong Kong Palace Museum was open to the public on July 3.More than 900 treas...
22-11-28 英国作家查尔斯 狄更斯的一批未公开的书信首次被展出,其中一些信件表明他深知自己的名气。这 11 封信揭示了这位作家的阅读习惯、写作计划以及他因周日邮政服务被取消而心感沮丧。 In February 1866, Charles Dickens threatened to move away from his part of Kent [...
22-11-10 英语中动名词的形式是动词+-ing,而动词不定式的形式则是to + 动词原形。动词不定式不受人称或时态等所限定,故被称为不定式,属于非谓语动词。 1. Which sentence correctly uses an infinitive? a) My father asked me to phone him. b) Tony likes to eat at restau...
21-10-23 1 Who was the first to apply the telescope to the study of the skies? A Kepler B Copernicus C Galileo D Newton 2 Whose discovery of the law of the universal gravitation is the most important of all his achievement in physics? A Kepler B Issac Newton...
21-10-01 A Danish museum loaned artist Jens Haaning tens of thousands of dollars and asked him to recreate two of his most popular artworks, which involved the use of real banknotes, only he took the money and ran, an act he describes as an original work of...
21-09-17 Hold 既可以作名词,也可以作动词使用。下面,我们就具体介绍它比较常见的名词和动词用法。 名词 hold 最常见的意思之一是 握、拿。比如,catch hold of 和 grab hold of 都可以表示 抓住 某人或某物。来听一个例句。 Example I almost fell down the stairs. Luckily,...