12-05-03 Norwegian expressionist Edvard Munch's The Scream has become the most expensive art work sold at auction as it went for $119.9m. 挪威表现派艺术家爱德华蒙克的作品《呐喊》以1.199亿美元价格被拍卖,成为史上最贵艺术品。 The 1895 pastel(粉笔画) was boug...
12-04-18 One of Nasa's retired space shuttles has made a dramatic flypast over the centre of the US capital on the way to its final resting place in a museum. 美国宇航局一架退役航天飞机在首都华盛顿中心上空做了一次引人注目的飞行,飞往它最终的休息地某博物馆。...
12-03-23 The Louvre in Paris was the most visited art museum last year, according to the Art Newspaper. 《艺术新闻报》称,巴黎卢浮宫是去年访客量最高的艺术博物馆。 For five years running, the Louvre has been the most visited art museum The publication's annua...
12-03-06 Argentina will open a museum to honour its soldiers who died during the Falklands conflict with the UK in 1982, President Cristina Fernandez has said. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜费南德兹宣布,将为1982年与英国福克兰冲突中牺牲的士兵建立一座博物馆。 She said...
12-02-23 The porcelain plate shown on the official website is another piece, a spokesman for the Palace Museum said, dismissing speculation that the museum was presenting a shoddy substitute in its advertisements. 故宫博物院一位发言人表示:官方网站上所展示的...
12-02-18 What becomes of a garden gnome hurled in fury at a windscreen during a stormy breakup? 如果在一场暴风骤雨般的分手中,一个花园小矮人玩偶被愤怒地扔到汽车挡风玻璃上,会变成什么样呢? Or a teddy bear that was once a Valentine's Day present? A wedding dr...
11-08-01 Arnold Schwarzenegger's childhood home in Austria has opened as a museum. 阿诺德施瓦辛格童年时期在奥地利居住的房子被作为一座博物馆。 The family lived in the first floor flat with no electricity or running water It came as the former Mr Universe, who...
11-04-29 近日在扬州开馆的马可波罗纪念馆引出了一个颇具争议的话题:马可波罗到底是哪国人? An image of Marco Polo. Widely thought to have been from Venice, Croatia is now claiming him. Italians have reacted with fury to an attempt by Croatia to claim the legend...
10-08-28 埃及政府官员当地时间21日中午宣布,首都开罗一家博物馆收藏的梵高名画《罂粟花》被盗,至今下落不明。 A Van Gogh painting worth an estimated $55 million was stolen from a Cairo museum on Saturday. A Van Gogh painting worth an estimated $55 million was st...
10-03-17 Swedish pop band Abba have been inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with British bands Genesis and The Hollies. 瑞典流行乐团阿巴乐队被列入美国摇滚名人堂,一同加入的还有英国创世纪乐队和赫理斯乐队。 Artists are only eligible 25 year...