• 帮你致富和成功的一些书籍 下

    15-12-03 The Richest Man in Babylon Written by George S. Clason, this book unearths principles and secrets that will lead you to personal wealth. As one of the most inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning and personal wealth, The Ric...

  • 史上最怪诞的10本指南 下

    15-11-23 How to Start Your Own Country If there is anyone, that has enough time and money to invest in starting his/her own country, I'd love to meet him/her. Even better, I'd love to meet the person that sat down and had enough time to write a book surround...

  • 奥地利85岁老人剪碎95万欧元

    15-11-15 An Austrian 85-year-old cut up into tiny pieces almost a million euros ($1.1 million) in an apparent attempt to spite her heirs, authorities said Thursday. 据报道,上周四,奥地利一位85岁老人将近100万欧元(合700多万人民币)剪碎。这显然是为了报复她的...

  • 澳洲夫妇近一年不花钱过活

    15-09-30 In this day and age, living without money sounds almost impossible, but that's exactly what this Australian couple has been doing for almost a year. It's been anything but easy, but they've somehow made it work. 在如今这个年月,不花钱过活几乎不太可...

  • 必须亲身经历才能体会的道理 上

    15-09-23 Life is Hard When you're a teenager, you're just at the beginning of your life's lessons. Life is the toughest teacher you will ever have. Life is a cruel teacher. She gives the test first, then the lesson. Life will throw everything that it can at...

  • Buy What You Love

    15-09-21 I used to be a shopaholic. How many of us can relate to that statement? Yet, when Saturday rolls around, off we go to the nearest boutique or shopping mall to buy more clothes, things, and possessions that we really aren't even sure we need or want....

  • 35%英国人最大的遗憾:钱没存够

    15-09-20 Regrets, we've all had a few - from losing touch with old friends to letting that special someone slip through our fingers. 人生在世,难免有些遗憾从与老友渐行渐远到错失自己心爱的人。 But it seems our greatest regret of all is something rather more p...

  • CATTI考试经济类词汇 下

    15-09-15 损失惨重 suffer great losses 制造假象 create smoke screens to do 陷入困境 land oneself in deep trouble 吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment 抓住机遇 seize opportunities 计算出准确的工资水平 figure out an exact salary level 和......有合作关系 have...

  • 季子拜师

    15-07-28 Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism. He carried a lot of money with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism. Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap, he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before hi...

  • They are directly from America 它们是从美国直接带来的

    15-07-07 Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the mo...