• 中国将采取措施降低物流成本

    17-07-06 China is set to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency to spur the real economy, according to a guideline approved at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. 本周三,由李克强主持的国务院常务会议...

  • 中国将对海外投资者进一步开放经济市场

    17-06-27 China will further expand market access in the service and manufacturing sectors, relax restrictions on foreign ownership, and treat Chinese and foreign companies on an equal basis, Premier Li Keqiang said Tuesday. 李克强总理周二表示,中国将进一步拓...

  • 2017中国电商市场将增长19%

    17-06-25 The e-commerce market in China is expected to grow by about 19 percent year on year in 2017, a report said. 一份报告显示,2017年中国电商市场有望年同比增长19%。 China has entered a new retail era characterized by online and offline (o2o) retail that...

  • MSCI将中国A股纳入新兴市场指数

    17-06-21 Global equity indexes provider MSCI announced Tuesday that beginning in June 2018, it will include China A-shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index and the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) Index. 全球股票指数提供者摩根士丹利资本国际公司周二...

  • 特斯拉将在上海与当地合作伙伴建厂

    17-06-20 American electric carmaker Tesla is seeking local partner in China, and is reportedly close to reaching an agreement to produce vehicles in China for the first time, reports Bloomberg. 彭博社报道,美国电动汽车生产商特斯拉正在中国寻找本地合作伙伴,据...

  • 中国商飞向光大金融租赁出售30架C-919

    17-06-14 Chinas state-owned aircraft manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd (COMAC) said in a statement on Tuesday that it has signed a framework agreement to sell 30 of its C-919 passenger jets to Everbright Financial Leasing. 中国商飞周二发布一...

  • 中国市场对北美农民越来越重要

    17-06-07 China is fast growing in importance as an export market for farmers in the USA and Canada. 对于美国和加拿大的农民来说,中国是一个增长迅速的重要出口市...

  • 2016中国啤酒消费量暴跌

    17-06-07 The global beer market declined over the last year, with a sharp fall in consumption in China. 2016年全球啤酒市场销售额下降,中国啤酒消费量暴跌。 Thats according to a report into the annual state of the alcoholic beverage industry, released by the L...

  • 中国已成世界游戏之都

    17-06-02 China has become the world capital of gamers and gaming. 中国已经成为游戏玩家与游戏的世界之都。 Thats according to a report by specialist firm Atomico, based in London. According to the report, the size of the Chinese gamer market now exceeds that i...

  • 中国助捷豹陆虎2016销售额创新高

    17-05-28 Jaguar Land Rover has recorded a year of record sales, helped especially by phenomenal sales success in China. 捷豹陆虎2016销售额创新高,得益于在中国销售的巨大成功。 Thats according to figures reported by British Guardian newspaper, which shows that...