• take a leaf out of someone's book 以某人为榜样

    21-09-25 如果你 take a leaf out of someones book(从某人的书中取出一页),意思就是你 效仿某人的成功案例,以某人为榜样。 例句 Take a leaf out of Robs book and start cycling to work. 以罗布为榜样,开始骑自行车上班吧。 He took a leaf out of his friends book and...

  • nsdd 你说得对

    21-06-03 nsdd 你说得对 what you said is right 一句万能回复,对他人的看法表示赞同,用于敷衍或对付杠精。遇到讲不清道理的杠精们时,与其费口舌争个你死我活,不如退一步保持平静,因为说再多终究还是站在最初的那个对立面上。 xswl 笑死我了 laughing to death/LOL 这是微...

  • 一些有趣的表达恐惧的方式 1

    20-11-20 1 Heebie-jeebies 焦躁不安 These unusual words are used to express a feeling of fear and being uncomfortable. 这些不寻常的词语用来表达恐惧和不舒服的感觉。 That movie gave me the heebie-jeebies. 那部电影让我焦躁不安。 2 Make your blood run cold 胆战心...

  • 翻开新篇章

    20-10-17 New beginnings 新的开始 许多人把一年的开始作为一个反思和改变的时间。大家都努力去To turn over a new leaf。 To turn over a new leaf (翻开新的一页),意思是创造一个全新的开始,或开始用一种不同的方式来行动。 He used to be very lazy but this year hes tu...

  • 跟植物有关的英语表达

    20-10-14 1 nip in the bud 扼杀在萌芽状态 to nip something in the bud(把某事扼杀在萌芽状态)指在某事酿成大祸或铸成大错前及早地制止。 The manager told the team to identify problems early and nip them in the bud. 经理告诫团队人员要尽早发现问题并及时处理。 2 tu...

  • turn over a new leaf 洗心革面

    20-08-29 洗心革面,汉语成语,意思是去除旧思想,改变旧面貌,比喻彻底悔改。与英文俚语turn over a new leaf意思相近,表示to reform and begin again;to change ones behavior, usually in a positive way。 例句: 洗心革面,迷途知返 repent ones errors and turn over a...

  • leaf peeper 赏叶人

    17-12-10 Leaf peeper refers to a person who, at the appropriate time during autumn, seeks out an area where many or most of the tree leaves have turned color. 赏叶人指的是在秋季合适的时间,去探寻很多或大部分叶子已经变色的区域的人们。 A leaf peeper, or leafer...

  • 一种新发现的甲虫被命名为丘百卡

    16-04-27 Chewbacca, the fictional Star Wars character, has given his name to a new species of flightless beetle, discovered in New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Although Trigonopterus chewbacca was only one of the four black new weevil beetles found during the...

  • 一叶障目

    15-08-07 In the State of Chu, there was a man whose family was very poor. Even at night he often dreamt of striking it rich, but he never worked hard. One day, when he was leafing through the book Huainan Zi, he came across a line saying: When the mantis pre...

  • 全世界最贵面包 西班牙金粉面包

    15-01-10 Whole wheat flour, spelt and water are the usual ingredients used to make bread, but add a touch of edible gold and you've got wealthy clients from all around the world stepping on each others' toes trying to secure a loaf of the world's most expens...