• 《沉睡魔咒》第22章

    23-01-28 The Moors were abuzz with excitement. The wallerbogs burbled and gurgled more mud. The dew faeries flew from leaf to leaf, leaving sparkling water shining like diamonds in their wake. In the streams, the water faeries preened more than usual. The re...

  • shake like a leaf 冻得直哆嗦

    22-02-09 1. shake like a leaf shake like a leaf像树叶一样抖动其实很好理解,树叶总是随风摆动,那这就有抖得很厉害的意思。 无论是因害怕、恐惧而抖得很厉害,还是因为冷,都可以这么说哦。 2. curveball curveball是(棒球运动中投向击球手的)旋球,弧线球,比赛中这类球...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 44

    21-10-15 1 What country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf? A United States of America B United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland C New Zealand D Canada 2 The national anthem of Canada is ____ A Canada The Beautiful B O Canada C God Defend Canada...