• 中国将开发海面火箭发射技术

    17-07-07 China has a clear plan to provide sea launches for commercial payloads to be carried by Long March rockets, according to an aerospace official. 一位官员表示,中国明确计划在海上用长征火箭发射商业负载。 Tang Yagang, vice head of the aerospace division...

  • 7月初中国将发射长征5号Y2运载火箭

    17-06-26 China has set the window to launch its Long March-5 Y2 carrier rocket between July 2 and 5. 中国将于7月2日至5日期间发射长征5号Y2运载火箭。 Carrying Shijian-18 communication satellite, the rocket was vertically transferred to the launch area at Wench...

  • 世界最大运输机“平流层发射”在美国亮相

    17-06-10 GIGANTIC The Stratolaunch aircraft is enormous, with a wingspan totaling 385 feet (117 meters), longer than the wingspan of any other aircraft and greater than the length of an American football field. Among commonly seen aircraft, the double-decker...

  • 天舟1号完成首次在轨补充燃料试验

    17-04-28 Chinas first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 on Thursday completed its first on-orbit refueling test five days after successfully docking with the orbiting Tiangong-2 space lab. 中国国首艘货运飞船天舟1号与在轨天宫2号太空实验室成功对接5天之后,周四完成了...

  • 中国首枚货运飞船发射升空

    17-04-21 China has taken another step toward its goal of putting a space station into orbit around 2022, by sending its first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 into space on Thursday evening. 本周四晚,中国向太空发射首枚货运飞船天舟1号,距离2022年将空间站送入太空...

  • 中国利用电子推进技术发射卫星

    17-04-14 An ion thruster independently developed by Chinese researchers has been applied to Chinas newly launched high-throughput communications satellite, the countrys first. 中国近日发射的一颗高通量通信卫星首次用到了中国科学家独立研发的离子推进器。 The sat...

  • 中国商用火箭快舟一号成功发射三枚卫星

    17-01-11 Kuaizhou-1A, a Chinese commercial space launch vehicle, has carried out its first mission and sent three satellites into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. 中国商用太空运载火箭快舟一号已经执行首次任务,在酒泉卫星发射中心向太空中发射三枚...

  • 中国空间实验室天宫2号到达发射中心

    16-07-12 Chinas second orbiting space lab Tiangong-2, which may enable two astronauts to live in space for up to 30 days, has been delivered to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. 中国第二艘轨道空间实验室天宫2号已被运送至酒泉卫星发射中心,该实验室可以容纳两名宇...

  • 中国发射一颗新通讯卫星

    15-12-10 China on Thursday morning put a new communication satellite into orbit from the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center. 中国于本周四凌晨在西昌卫星发射中心将一颗新通讯卫星发射送入预定轨道。 The ChinaSat 1C satellite was launched at 0:46 a.m. an...

  • 中国为登月计划启用新式火箭

    15-09-21 The Long March-6 was fired off on Sunday from a launch location in Shanxi. 长征6号运载火箭周日在陕西省发射成功。 It's fueled by liquid propellant made of liquid oxygen and kerosene, which is meant to cut down on pollution. Meanwhile, a Long March-5...