• Mansfield Park - Chapter 18

    21-05-07 Everything was now in a regular train: theatre, actors, actresses, and dresses, were all getting forward; but though no other great impediments arose, Fanny found, before many days were past, that it was not all uninterrupted enjoyment to the party...

  • measure other people's corn by one's own bushel 以己度人”

    21-03-26 以己度人,汉语成语,意思是:拿自己的心思来衡量或揣度别人,用自己的心思去猜度别人,包含贬义。可以翻译为judge others against ones own value,或用习语 measure other peoples corn by ones own bushel表示。 例句: 因为他们自己历史上真的就这么干了上百年,所...

  • a thief posing as judge 贼喊捉贼

    21-02-22 贼喊捉贼,汉语成语,意思是指做贼的人喊捉贼(a thief crying Stop thief)。坏人为了自己逃脱,故意转移目标,把别人说成是坏人。可以翻译为a thief posing as judge,play the trick of thief crying Stop thief。 例句: 这完全是贼喊捉贼、颠倒黑白,是典型的此地...

  • 北京互联网法院启用AI法官

    19-06-28 The Beijing Internet court on Thursday launched an online litigation service center, which includes an AI judge claimed to be the first of its kind in the world. 北京互联网法院周四启动一项在线诉讼服务中心,其中包括全球首个AI虚拟法官。 The AI judge,...

  • 美利坚小姐大赛将取消泳装比赛环节

    18-06-11 The nearly century-old Miss America competition will drop its well-known swimsuit competition this year and will no longer judge contestants based on their physical appearance. 拥有近百年历史的美利坚小姐大赛今年将取消其著名的泳装比赛环节,不再以外貌...

  • 科学家们研发出电脑“法官”

    16-11-04 A computer judge has been developed which can correctly predict verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights with 79 percent accuracy. 科学家们研发出一台电脑法官,它可以正确预测欧洲人权法庭的判决结果,准确率达79%。 Computer scientists at Universit...

  • 意大利离异妈妈当儿子面骂爸爸被罚款

    16-11-04 A mother has been fined 30,000 by an Italian court for criticising her ex-husband in front of their son. 一位离了婚的妈妈在儿子面前指责他爸,被意大利法庭判处罚金3万欧元。 The mother had custody over their youngster and a civil tribunal claimed the w...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 13

    16-08-26 第八章 调 解 Chapter VIII Conciliation 第八十五条 人民法院审理民事案件,根据当事人自愿的原则,在事实清楚的基础上,分清是非,进行调解。 Article 85 In the trial of civil cases, the peoples court shall distinguish between right and wrong on the basis o...

  • 奥巴马讲话 填补最高法院空缺

    16-08-13 Hi, folks. Joe Biden here and Im sitting with Tim Lewis, a retired federal judge who was nominated to the bench by a Republican President and confirmed by a Democratic Senate - within four weeks of a presidential election. Hello, everyone. Thats rig...

  • 法庭常用词汇 5

    16-08-04 Reasonable Doubt 合理怀疑 Their approach is to whittle away at the evidence to show reasonable doubt. 他们的做法是要削弱证据的说服力以提出合理的质疑。 Search warrant 搜查令 Officers armed with a search warrant entered the flat. 警察们持搜查证进入了...