• 英语常见易混词语

    22-11-16 近义词是个让不少英语学习者感到头疼的难题,尤其是当它们的意思非常接近,词性也完全相同时,使用起来就难上加难。辨析近义词区别最好的方式就是凭借语意、场景和语境找出相近词语之间的不同点。做下面的小测验,根据场景,辨别并选出你认为最恰当的选项。 1. Which w...

  • a good judge of talent 伯乐

    22-09-23 工作中,每个人都希望能遇到赏识自己的伯乐,但也有很多人感慨千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。 伯乐,相传春秋时人,以善相马著称(a man of the Spring and Autumn Period who was reputed for being able to spot good horses)。如今引申为善于发现、推荐、培养和使用人...

  • take a part for the whole 以偏概全

    22-09-08 以偏概全,汉语成语,意思是用片面的观点看待整体问题,得出错误的结论。可以翻译为take a part for the whole,over-generalize等。 例句: 我们不能抓住一个人的缺点,以偏概全,全盘否定。 We should not judge a person as totally worthless on the basis of his...

  • judge a book by its cover 以貌取人

    22-07-08 以貌取人,汉语成语,根据一个人的外貌衣着来衡量、判断他的品质才能或决定对待的态度。可以翻译为judge people by their appearance,judge a book by its cover等。 例句: 你不应该以貌取人。 You shouldnt judge a book by its cover. 以貌取人是不公正的。 Its no...

  • 什么样的人值得尊重?

    22-03-07 1. They Dress Well - Im not someone to judge someone for a brand they wear, but I do take notice of a guy or gal who consistently looks fly. My dad used to tell me to dress for the job I desire, not the job I have. I think that applies here. 穿着得...

  • stony-faced 面无表情的

    22-01-04 如果形容某人是 stony-faced 那就表示此人看上去毫无表情或不动心的。 例句 I tried to get the judge to be on my side by making a joke but he remained stony-faced. I got caught smoking at school. Ill never forget the stony faces of my parents when they r...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 30

    21-11-29 Catherines disposition was not naturally sedentary, nor had her habits been ever very industrious; but whatever might hitherto have been her defects of that sort, her mother could not but perceive them now to be greatly increased. She could neither...

  • buy与purchase

    21-11-10 英语中,buy和purchase这两个词都表示购买。buy较为口语化,用于日常生活中,表示少量、随意地日常购物;亦可表示行贿,收买。 例句: They say the judge was bought. 他们声称法官被买通了。 Efforts to buy her off have failed. 收买她的努力失败了。 purchase则比...

  • stony-faced 毫不动心

    21-08-10 如果形容某人是 stony-faced 那就表示此人看上去毫无表情或不动心的。 例句 I tried to get the judge to be on my side by making a joke but he remained stony-faced. I got caught smoking at school. Ill never forget the stony faces of my parents when they r...

  • 有五种人当敬而远之

    21-07-12 1. The Gossiper 八卦君 The gossiper make you feel like they are bringing you into the fold by sharing delicate information with you. It seems like all they do is gather and disperse chitchat about other people. However, this doesnt add value to your...