• restless and fretful 心浮气躁

    21-09-29 心浮气躁,汉语成语,形容人性情浮躁,做事不踏实。可以翻译为flighty and impetuous,restless and fretful。 例句: 这个心浮气躁的年轻人任何工作都干不了两个月。 This flighty young man never sticks at a job for more than two months....

  • promise the moon 做无法兑现的许诺

    21-09-25 promise (somebody) the moon 做无法兑现的许诺(moon也可以换成earth)。 to make promises that will be impossible to keep 例句: I cant promise you the moon, but Ill do the best job I can. 我不对你胡乱许诺,不过我会尽力而为的。...

  • as for the moon 幻想得到无法得到的东西

    21-09-25 ask/ cry for the moon 幻想得到无法得到的东西;想做做不到的事。 to ask for something that is difficult or impossible to get or achieve 例句: Wanting a decent job and a home is hardly asking for the moon. 想要一份体面的工作和一个家并不是什么奢望。...

  • sceptical、suspicious、doubtful

    21-09-17 形容词 sceptical、suspicious 和 doubtful 都可以用来谈论 一个人感到怀疑,但它们的具体含义和用法并不完全相同。下面,我们来重点说一说三个词之间的区别。 先来看形容词 sceptical, S C E P T I C A L,它也可以写成 S K E P T I C A L。Sceptical 形容 某人不轻信...

  • “遥控牛” 保护沙丘生态平衡

    21-09-14 These Lincoln Red cattle are highly efficient grazers devouring grasses, shrubs and bushes with unrivalled enthusiasm. 林肯红牛是高效的食草动物,它们吃青草、灌木和灌木丛的热情无与伦比。 The collars they are wearing allow for the remote control of wh...

  • 辞还是不辞?跳槽对个人发展的利与弊

    21-09-10 在过去,人们通常在同一个单位一直工作到退休。对公司忠心耿耿可能给你很多额外的福利和稳定的工作保障。而现在,另谋高就的机会层出不穷,但假如你还没有另一份工作可去,裸辞 是否相当于自毁前程? How long have you been in your job for? If youre climbing a car...

  • go through the mill 历经辛苦,饱受磨炼

    21-09-10 表达 go through the mill 的意思是 历经辛苦,饱受磨炼。某人把另一个人 put through the mill 是指 让这个人吃尽苦头、饱受折磨。 例句 I have really had to go through the mill to get this promotion it was tough, but I got it. 我历尽千辛万苦才得到这次升职...

  • one in the eye 对事情的结果感到无比失望

    21-08-30 如果一件事对某人来说是 one in the eye, 意思就是此人对事情的结果感到无比失望或受到了严重打击,不过你却对这样的结果感到高兴。 例句 I got the job! Thats one in the eye for John - Ive never liked him and I was sure he would get the position. Ha! Our win...

  • child's play 小菜一碟,易如反掌

    21-08-30 短语 childs play 用来形容非常容易做的一件事,小菜一碟,易如反掌。 例句 I finished the test very quickly. It was childs play! Stop trying to fix the car and call a professional mechanic to do the job. This is not childs play. 请注意 另一个短语 a post...

  • ducks in a row 一丝不紊或井井有条

    21-08-30 短语 ducks in a row 的意思是把事情组织的一丝不紊或井井有条,这是个美式英语表达。 例句 With the recession looming, the government has to get its ducks in a row and invest in job creation. The companys owner has given his managers a few days to get th...