• eat one's word 食言

    22-02-07 Eat ones word并不是真的把文字吃下去,不是食言! 以前听过一个小笑话:儿子的债主拿着欠条找上门时,父母把欠条当面包一样吃了! 在这里Eat ones word,不是吃文字,是指收回前言,承认自己说错了话! 举个例子: What he said proved wrong, so he had to eat his w...

  • For real. 这件事是真的。

    22-01-25 For real. 用于强调这件事是真的。 例句: I was not at home for real. 我真的不在家。 I got that job for real. 我真的找到工作了。...

  • 徐诗晓:退役后当HR,重返赛场又拿到奥运金牌

    22-01-21 When Xu Shixiao went to work as usual in a furniture company in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, five years ago, she was surprised to get a call from her former coach, inquiring about her willingness to return to canoeing and compete in the Tokyo Olympic...

  • 无奈

    22-01-05 无奈 表示 不得不接受一个人或一件事情,没有其它办法。在不同的情景中,我们可以用不同的英语说法来表达这个含义。 先介绍一个词:resigned, R E S I G N E D。形容词 resigned 的意思是 无可奈何的。它的副词形式是 resignedly。听两个分别使用了 resigned 和 resign...

  • in at the deep end 从难入手

    22-01-04 如果你被形容为In at the deep end 意思就是在你没有任何经验的情况下被置于一种很难的地位或很棘手的工作中。 例句 Our Boss thinks the best way to introduce staff to the job is to throw them in at the deep and see how they cope. Good old John, its his fir...

  • chuffed to bits 心满意足

    22-01-04 Chuffed to bits 是英式俚语意思是对某事心满意足,美滋滋的。 例句 Im chuffed to bits with my new car! Anna got three Cs for her A-level exam results. That was better than she was expecting - in fact, she was chuffed to bits! 请注意 注意在表达心满意足...

  • 如何应对“有毒”的工作环境

    21-12-29 Unhappy as you may be at your job, leaving is not always an option. So, if you find yourself having to put up with toxic work culture, there are a few things you can try to make your experience better. 尽管你可能干得不开心,但是你也无法说走就走。所...

  • in the same boat 同舟共济

    21-12-28 当大家都坐在同一条船上的时候 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人都处于同样的不乐观的境况。 例句 Youth unemployment is so high in Europe at the moment but everyones in the same boat no-one can find a job. The whole class came down with chicken pox on...

  • eclipse something 超越于

    21-12-28 如果说你 eclipse 什么东西,那就意味着你超越了或优胜于什么。 例句 She got the job because her interview eclipsed all of the others. Thats the best goal hes ever scored: it eclipses all the rest. This has been such a great day; nothing can eclipse it....

  • to wax lyrical 滔滔不绝

    21-12-24 如果一个人 wax lyrical 那就是说他开始对某事滔滔不绝地谈起来。类似汉语里我们常说的高谈阔论或滔滔不绝。 例句 Sarahs been waxing lyrical about her new job, she really loves it. Dont get him started about his children hell wax lyrical about them for hou...