• a chequered past 好坏参半的过去

    21-05-10 搭配 a chequered past 或 a chequered history 字面上的意思是 斑斑驳驳的过去,但其实际意思是比喻一个人过去的经历好坏参半。单词 chequered 原本指 格子图案的,在这里它形容人跌宕起伏的过去。 所以,搭配 a chequered past 多用来告诫人们某人曾作过不光鲜的事情...

  • have had enough 受够了

    21-04-24 搭配 have had enough with something or someone 在口语会话中常用来感叹 一件事或一个人的行为非常恼人,因此想让它停下来,它强调说话人的愤怒或不满。比如,如果你已经长时间忍受一件让你感到不满的事情或行为,但终于无法承受,那么这时就可以说:Ive had enough....

  • goal-oriented 目标明确

    21-04-19 复合形容词 goal-oriented 由名词 goal 和后缀 -oriented 构成。后缀 -oriented 的意思是 以为目标的,以为方向的,用在 goal 后面,即 goal-oriented,来形容一个人或团队以最终目标为方向,心无旁骛地为了完成任务指标或获取成功而付出努力。 例句 She was very goal...

  • pat yourself on the back 表扬自己

    21-04-17 在生活中,轻轻拍打他人后背的动作往往被用来表达自己对他人的肯定和赞赏。这个动作在英语中对应的说法是 pat someone on the back,其字面意思是 拍打一个人的后背, 实际用来比喻鼓励、表扬、称赞一个人。注意:不论是 pat someone on the back 还是 pat yourself on...

  • 12条职场建议助你顺利渡过入职焦虑期

    21-04-08 1. Get the facts. 了解必知事项 Its absolutely fine to ask questions ahead of time. Depending on your organization, you can ask the Human Resources representative or your supervisor any questions. If youre not sure who to ask, check with the person w...

  • 四个表示“分配”的词:distribute、allocate、assign和apportio

    21-04-01 动词 distribute、allocate、assign 和 apportion 都有 分配 的意思,但它们的用法并不能等同。我们接下来将通过例句和讲解,帮助大家理解这四个看上去比较抽象的词语之间的区别。 首先来看动词 distribute,它也可以读作 distribute,重音既可以在第一个音节上,也可...

  • 人往高处走

    21-03-16 What did you want to be when you were growing up? A teacher? A doctor? An astronaut? What do you need to do to achieve your dream job? Perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you the career you want. We are const...

  • 求饭碗需跳舞

    21-03-15 How do you feel about job interviews? Im never ready for them no matter how I prepare. In my attempts to impress my prospective employers I end up talking too much and losing my train of thought. Sometimes they ask difficult questions like: Where do...

  • disappear forever 石沉大海

    21-03-13 石沉大海,汉语成语,字面意思是像石头掉到大海里一样(like a stone dropped into the sea),不见踪影,比喻始终没有消息。可以翻译为never to be seen or heard of again,disappear forever。 例句: 建议提出后却如石沉大海。 After the proposal was put forward...

  • 向电脑宣泄

    21-03-10 Are you angry? Unhappy in your job? Wish you had an outlet for those feelings? Well, if you lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you could go to Break Club. Its made up of a group of people who get together to smash up rubbish as a way of venting their...