• be just in accordance with one's wish 称心如意

    20-11-08 称心如意,汉语成语,意思是形容心满意足,事情的发展完全符合心意。可以翻译为have sth. as one wishes, after ones (own) heart或be just in accordance with ones wish。 例句: 她幸运地找到了一个称心如意的工作。 She was lucky enough to find a job after her...

  • 关于薪资谈判的一些技巧

    20-10-28 1.Wait for the appropriate time. Start by being very patient. When interviewing for a new position, do your best not to bring up compensation until the employer makes you an offer. Resist throwing out the first number. If youre asked what your salar...

  • When one door closes, another one opens 天无绝人之路

    20-10-26 短语 when one door closes, another one opens(当一扇门关上了,另一扇门就会打开) 可以被用来描述当某人失去了一个机会,但又有另一个机会取而代之的情况。这个短语突出表达对未来的乐观态度,尤其是在一件不好的事情刚刚发生的时候。 例句 When I lost my job, my...

  • Everything's coming up roses 一切进展顺利

    20-10-26 表达 everythings coming up roses 可以用来形容某人的生活事事顺心,一切都在向好的方向发展。这个表达尤其适用于某人在经历了一段时间的挫折或失望后,运势转折,渐入佳境的语境中。 例句 Losing my job was the best thing that ever happened to me. I found a new...

  • Pin your hopes on something 寄希望于某事

    20-10-26 如果你 pin your hopes on something(把希望钉在某个东西上),这就意味着你一心指望这件事情会给你带来幸福或成功。人们使用这个表达可能是因为非常希望某件事情会成功,或者是因为其它事情都失败了,而这是唯一剩下的机会。在使用时,可以在 pin your hopes on some...

  • 英国年轻人不现实的职业理想

    20-10-24 What did you want to be when you were growing up? A doctor, an engineer - or maybe a footballer or actor? We all had big plans for our futures and believed there was a dream job waiting for us one that would pay well and give great job satisfaction....

  • 与熟人见面时常用的“花式”问候语

    20-10-13 1 How are you doing?你好吗? 如果想询问他人的具体情况,可以在How are you doing后加上介词with及表示具体事物的名词或名词性短语。比如:How are you doing with your new job?(你的新工作怎么样?)。 2 How have you been?你近况如何? 这句话是现在完成时,hav...

  • easy as pie 小菜一碟

    20-10-13 easy as pie不是像馅饼一样容易 pie是老外口中的樱桃、苹果派等等意思,而我们口中最常用的就是蛋黄派,不过easy as pie和派以及馅饼没有关系哦~ 不过从字面引申为派的制作过程比较简单,就可能表达了这个词组的意思小菜一碟。 所以,如果说一件事做起来非常简单,谁都...

  • 申请移民或留学的相关法律词汇3

    20-09-22 G grant n. 同意,准许,许可 H household n.家庭,家庭组合 I illegal a. 非法 illegal alien 非法移民 illegitimate a. 不合法的 illegitimate children 非婚生子女 immediate a. 直接的;即刻的 immediate relatives 近亲属 immigrant n. 移民,侨民 immigrant a. 移民的...

  • 机器人能代替我们工作吗

    20-09-19 If youre in a job performing tedious tasks, you might think that a robot could do the work instead. But perhaps we underestimate how much technology already helps with the activities that we would otherwise have to do. And as artificial intelligence...