• Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 31

    15-04-02 On your knees, the monk said to me, I am going to whip your titties. My titties, oh my Father! Yes, those two lubricious masses which never excite me but I wish to use them thus, and upon saying this, he squeezed them, he compressed them violently....

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 24

    15-04-02 After I had answered these questions in all modesty, with great sincerity, and most naively: Very well, said the monk, rising and taking me by the hand, come, my child, tomorrow I shall procure you the sweet satisfaction of communing at the feet of...

  • 新版两英镑硬币被批不符史实

    15-01-24 The 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta is being marked with a fancy new 2 coin - but an expert has claimed the Royal Mint has ruined the design with a factually dodgy image. 为纪念英国《大宪章》签署八百周年,英国推出了别致的新版两英镑硬币。但有专...

  • 男粉丝花重金整容希望变成卡戴珊的样子

    14-12-22 She graces several magazine covers a month, has her own reality show clothing and make-up brand, and has millions in the bank 话题女星金卡戴珊是时尚杂志封面的宠儿。她拥有自己的真人秀节目和化妆品品牌,也因此赚得盆体满钵。 So perhaps it's no surprise...

  • 自拍促进了整容的流行

    14-12-05 Now, a rising tide of people are going under the knife desperate to enhance their image, driven by a desire to take a better selfie. 现在,越来越多的人为了自拍更好看,不惜走进手术室,用一片柳叶刀换一张梦寐以求的容貌。 From rhinoplasty to eyelid lift...

  • 女巫形象的由来

    14-10-21 Images of alluring young witches and hideous hags have been around for centuries but what do they mean? Alastair Sooke investigates. 令人销魂的年轻女巫和奇丑无比的巫婆形象已有几百年的历史了但这代表了什么? Ask any Western child to draw a witch, and...

  • 米歇尔母女成粉丝自拍背景

    14-08-01 An eagle-eyed fan has snapped a selfie with Michelle and Sasha Obama as they attended a Beyonce and Jay-Z concert in Chicago recently. 近日,美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马同女儿们观看了碧昂丝与Jay-Z的芝加哥演唱会。 Yesenia Herrera was standing in front of...

  • selfie addict 自拍瘾

    14-05-21 A 19-year-old boy addicted to taking selfies tried to commit suicide after failing to capture a perfect image of himself, the Daily Mail of London reported. The boy's addiction, which began at the age of 15, caused him to drop out of school and lose...

  • 新式1英镑硬币将于2017年投入使用

    14-03-19 A new 1 coin, designed to be the most secure in the world, is set to be introduced in 2017. 一种新式1英镑硬币,以世界上最安全的硬币为设计理念,将于2017年投入使用。 The Royal Mint is introducing the new coin as it believes 3% of existing £1 coins ar...

  • 便携无线监控的供电问题急需改进

    14-01-27 The use of portable, wireless cameras and monitoring equipment for recording and transmitting footage of wildlife is perhaps familiar to anyone who watches nature programs on TV. However, common to all such equipment is the problem of limited batter...