• 恋人照片有减轻疼痛的功效

    11-03-05 Photographs of loved ones have the power to dull pain, scientists have discovered. 科学家发现,恋人的照片有减轻疼痛的功效。 Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same d...

  • 美宇航局拍摄到恒星形成图像

    11-01-14 A new Chandra X-ray Observatory image of Messier 82, or M82, shows the result of star formation on overdrive. At a distance of only 12 million light years, M82 provides a unique cosmic laboratory for studying conditions similar to those that existed...

  • 夜空最大的彩色照片发布

    11-01-12 Astronomers have released the largest-ever colour image of the whole sky, stitched from seven million images, each made of 125 million pixels. 天文学家最近发布史上最大的整个天空的彩色照片,这张照片由700万张照片拼接而成,每张照片有1.25亿个像素。 Succ...

  • 现实中的配偶与理想形象相去甚远

    10-10-04 Our ideal image of the perfect partner differs greatly from our real-life partner, according to new research from the University of Sheffield and the University of Montpellier in France. The research found that our actual partners are of a different...

  • 更先进的液晶显示器即将问世

    10-08-11 Sleek(圆滑的) design and ease of use are just two of the main reasons consumers are increasingly attracted to tablets and e-readers. And these devices are only going to get better -- display technology improvements are on the way. Several e-reader...

  • 冰岛火山灰最新卫星图像发布

    10-04-16 This image, acquired today by ESA's Envisat satellite, shows the vast cloud of volcanic ash(火山灰) sweeping across the UK from the eruption(爆发,喷发) in Iceland, more than 1000 km away. Carried by winds high up in the atmosphere, the cloud of...

  • 健康女性脑部扫描显示她们唯恐变胖

    10-04-14 A group of women in a new study seemed unlikely to have body image issues at least their responses on a tried-and-true psychological screening presented no red flags. That assessment changed when Brigham Young University researchers used MRI technol...

  • 美参议员挑战低腰裤

    10-04-04 上世纪90年代开始流行的低腰裤最近受到了一位美国参议员的挑战,他出资2000美元在纽约布鲁克林区的街道上挂出了巨幅广告画,告诫年轻人把裤子提好,这样才能提升自己的形象。这位参议员表示,很多年轻人裤子穿得越来越低,有些甚至低得连内裤都露在外面,他认为这样的...

  • 普朗克卫星拍摄到巨大寒冷尘埃的细丝状图片

    10-03-18 Giant filaments(花丝,灯丝) of cold dust stretching through our Galaxy are revealed in a new image from ESA's Planck satellite. Analysing these structures could help to determine the forces that shape our Galaxy and trigger star formation. Planck...

  • 美青少年发性短信成风 引政府担忧

    09-12-20 Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday. 本周二公布的一项调查显示,美国年龄在12岁至17岁之间有手机的青少年中,有15%的...