• thinspiration 励瘦

    17-05-10 Pro-ana sites often feature thinspiration (or thinspo): images or video montages of slim women, often celebrities, who may be anything from naturally slim to emaciated with visibly protruding bones. 赞成厌食的网站上经常有励瘦的图片和视频,这些图片和...

  • 小贝私人电邮被黑陷争端

    17-02-07 David Beckham on Saturday blasted reports that he used his childrens charity work to boost his public image and chances of getting a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II. 大卫贝克汉姆4日针对有关他利用儿童慈善事业为自己的公众形象加分,以提高获女王伊丽...

  • 李冰冰:是时候制止非法野生动植物贸易了

    16-10-07 Time for tears is past, its time for action Producing genuine tears on demand is one of the hardest parts of my job as an actress. Acting teachers will tell you that in order to cry on screen you need to summon up something personal -- a fear, an in...

  • 穿着暴露的照片可提高面试几率

    16-07-05 New research suggests that female applicants who included a photo of themselves in revealing clothing were five times more likely to secure an interview. 最新研究表明,女性求职者如果在简历中附上一张穿着暴露服装的照片,获得面试的几率会高出五倍。 The...

  • 如何用手机拍出好看的食物照片

    16-05-17 1. Dont overcrowd the shot Dont try and capture too much in a single image, especially if its going to be cropped and uploaded to Instagram anyway. Focus on a key area, such as the sheen of an egg yolk or a steaks pink centre, but not so closely a v...

  • The Trespass Fetches Herself for Sacrifice

    16-05-17 The Trespass Fetches Herself for Sacrifice HeidiLynn Nilsson We are not surprised, those of us who are made, weve been told, in Gods image, that our God, who has neither tissue nor tail, is a jealous God. What makes us snappish, after all, about God...

  • 肯达尔·詹娜被评2015年Ins最受喜爱女星

    15-12-19 It's official! Kendall Jenner is officially 2015's most-liked A-lister on Instagram. 官方消息哟! 肯达尔詹娜被评为2015年Ins上最受喜爱的一线女星。 An image of the 19-year-old model and reality star lying on the ground, with her hair shaped into sever...

  • 日本杂志《Mr.Babe》将镜头推向胖子

    15-11-29 While most lifestyle and fashion magazines are full of photos of slender male and female models photoshopped to perfection that create an unrealistic image of the human body, a fresh Japanese men's magazine is taking a different approach. Mr. Babe i...

  • 卡梅伦官方PS照片遭网民嘲笑

    15-11-06 David Cameron has been ridiculed online after Downing Street was caught photoshopping a fake over-sized poppy onto a picture of the Prime Minister and using it as an official Facebook picture. 人们发现英国首相戴维卡梅伦胸前佩戴罂粟花的一张照片里,那...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 34

    15-05-20 These frightful theories soon led me to think of Omphale's doubts upon the manner in which we left the terrible house we were in. And it was then I conceived the plans you will see me execute in the sequel. However, to complete my enlightenment I co...