• The Heavenly Wedding

    13-03-22 A poor peasant-boy one day heard the priest say in church that whosoever desired to enter into the kingdom of heaven must always go straight onward. So he set out, and walked continually straight onwards over hill and valley without ever turning asi...

  • 出版业词汇8

    13-02-19 ink 油墨 ink cell 网穴 ink distributing roller 均墨辊 ink fountain roller 墨斗辊 inking unit 输墨装置 ink-jet printing 喷墨印刷 ink reclaiming blade 回墨板 ink vibrator 串墨辊 ink-water balance 水-墨平衡 inscription rubbing 拓印 intaglio printing 凹...

  • 3D软件可精确测量身体尺寸

    12-11-25 英国萨里大学科学家和伦敦时装学院设计专家共同开发的一款3D软件可以根据用户上传的照片精确测量出用户的腰围、臀围、胸围等关键尺寸,以帮助用户选定最适合的服装尺寸。 Online clothes shoppers will be told exactly what size is best for them using new software...

  • silent movie 默片

    12-11-09 Hollywood showed some love for its history at the Oscars on Sunday, giving its best film award and four others to silent movie The Artist in a ceremony that recalled why cinema is special to so many people. 周日举行的奥斯卡颁奖典礼重温了电影对于许多...

  • 球状星团NGC6362由新老星体共同组成

    12-11-01 A colourful new view of the globular star cluster(球状星团) NGC 6362 was captured by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the European Southern Observatory's La Silla Observatory in Chile. This new picture, along wi...

  • 美国女博士不照镜子 培养内在美

    12-08-20 Kjerstin Gruys, a 29-year-old PhD student in sociology, has mastered the art of avoiding her own reflection. 现年29岁的柯基丝汀格鲁伊斯是一名社会学博士研究生,她已经精通了不照镜子的艺术。 Meet the mirror-free bride: woman avoided mirrors for one yea...

  • 人造视网膜或恢复正常视力

    12-08-15 Two researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have deciphered a mouse's retina's neural code and coupled this information to a novel prosthetic(假体的) device to restore sight to blind mice. The researchers say they have also cracked the code f...

  • 英国人过分注重体型

    12-06-03 由英国议会议员和基督教青年总会联合发布的一份调查报告显示,一半以上的英国人正因为体形不好而遭受精神和身体双重煎熬,连5岁的小姑娘也时刻在担心自己的体重,人们对体形的重视程度超过了对健康的关注。 Girls as young as five now routinely worry about their we...

  • 纽约拍卖会将出售名画《呐喊》

    12-02-26 Sotheby's will offer the only privately owned version of Edvard Munch's haunting work The Scream at an auction in New York on May 2 where it expects to fetch over $80 million, the highest pre-sale value the auctioneer has ever put on a work of art....

  • 日本发明虚拟化妆“魔镜”

    11-04-02 Most women have gone through the ordeal of buying a product at a beauty counter only to get home and discover it looks more clown than chic. 大多数女性都有这样的经历:在美容柜台选好的化妆品拿回家后却发现并不能把自己扮靓,却会把自己画丑了。 The futur...