• 《牛仔裤的夏天》一

    11-08-26 影片对白 Tibby: Beautiful dress! Love it! Carmen: We'd been a foursome for as long as I could remember. Girls: Where are we going? We're going over there. Carmen: In fact, we were a foursome before we were born. Coach: ...and seven. Anyone feel any...

  • 《邻家特工》五

    11-08-26 精彩对白 Betrayed agent: Ho's signal just popped back up . We got him. Poldark: Let's roll . Ian: Bob! Bob! Bob: Ian? Ian: You left your watch. Bob: What are you doing here? Let's go. Ian: What do you mean? We just got here. Poldark: Bob Ho. What a...

  • Bill, Bingo and Bram 6

    11-08-11 I subconsciously(潜意识地) thought it odd to see Bill any where outside his home - I had actually never seen him anywhere but within about 10 yards of his house. He rarely ventured even outside of his backyard domain, but the fuss next-door but tw...

  • Bill, Bingo and Bram 5

    11-08-11 His other characteristic, we soon learned, was tenacity(韧性,固执) . Bingo was not going to be put off by the mere fact of his home now being taken over by strangers - he would not leave. Though he never actually got into the house, his intention...

  • 创意翻译赏析2

    11-08-05 1. The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room. 小腿上的骨头在黑房间里找准家具位置的好装备。 2. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. 窃钩者诛,窃国者为诸侯。 3. The sole purpose of a child's...

  • 《大侦探福尔摩斯》五

    11-08-01 精彩对白 Driver: Afternoon, sir. I put the notebooks in this one, sir. Watson: Thank you. Mary: What's in these, John? Watson: Scribbles . Mary: Scribbles? Watson: Notes. Mary: They're your adventures. I'd like to read them. Watson: Come on, what's...

  • 美国二战百岁女兵赢选美比赛

    11-07-30 A blind, 100-year-old veteran of the Second World War has won a beauty contest in an Alabama nursing home. 美国一位双目失明的百岁二战女兵日前在阿拉巴马州养老院举办的选美比赛中夺冠。 Felma Schrimshire, the newly crowned Ms Alabama Nursing Home. Felma...

  • 《道林·格雷》六

    11-07-05 影片对白: Victor: A visitor, sir. Gray: To what do I owe the pleasure? Emily: I thought you might like to join me for lunch. Gray: No, I don't think... Emily: I made a picnic. Gray: Yes, well, I'm afraid I...I'd rather stay at home today. Emily: Se...

  • 职场母亲希望能有家庭帮手

    11-05-17 Working mothers want to earn a good salary, put a higher priority on getting some help around the house than at the office, and undervalue their work at home, surveys released on Tuesday showed. 本周二公布的最新调查显示,职场妈妈们想要赚得高薪水,更...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 6

    11-04-19 Uncle Alec's Room Soon after dinner, and before she had got acquainted with half her new possessions, Dr. Alec proposed a drive, to carry round the first instalment of gifts to the aunts and cousins. Rose was quite ready to go, being anxious to try...