• 小兔子找家

    12-03-27 Rabbit has grown up. There are too many rabbits in this hole! It is time to leave the nest. I am going to find my own home, the oldest rabbit says. Rabbit decides to look in a different hole. You cannot live here. This is my home! shouts Mouse. So,...

  • I know I could count on you 我知道你会帮我

    12-03-21 Smith goes to see his boss in the front office. Boss, he says: we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic(阁楼) and the garage. We're short-handed, Smith. the boss replies. I can't give you...

  • Celebration of Life

    12-03-07 On my way home from coaching basketball yesterday, I was listening to WGN, my favorite talk radio station out of Chicago. I could tell right away that there was something wrong by the somber(忧郁的) mood of the speaker. There had been a plane cras...

  • 《黑天鹅》五

    12-03-01 影片对白 Nina: Who is that? Lily: Hey. You okay? Nina: You can't smoke in here. Lily: Well, I won't tell if you won't. So...The big day's getting closer and closer, huh? Well, I can't wait. I think you're going to be amazing. Nina: Thanks. Lily: So....

  • 家庭对减轻工作压力有显著效果

    12-02-25 A major ingredient to taking the pain out of a stressful day at work is a supportive partner at home, a new study has confirmed. 一项新研究证实,家有贤内助确实能较大地减轻工作压力带来的焦虑和疲惫。 It may not seem like a groundbreaking conclusion bu...

  • 老马识途

    12-02-08 In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north. They went in spring when green grass covered the ground. But when they came back it was winter. Everywhere was white with snow and the wind was howbin...

  • The Star-Child 1

    12-02-07 Once upon a time two poor woodcutters were making their way home through a great pine-forest. It was winter, and a night of bitter cold. The snow lay thick upon the ground, and upon the branches of the trees: the frost kept snapping(猛咬) the litt...

  • 传染病蔓延模型公布

    12-01-12 Humans are considered the hosts for spreading epidemics. The speed at which an epidemic spreads is now better understood thanks to a new model accounting for the provincial nature of human mobility, according to a study published in EPJ B. The resea...

  • 11月美国房价继续下跌

    11-12-28 US home prices have fallen further in October despite record low mortgage interest rates, according to new data. 美国最近数据显示,尽管抵押贷款利率降至最低点,11月份房价仍进一步降低。 The Standard Poor's Case-Shiller index of 10 major metropolitan a...

  • 蜜蜂分巢选址有学问

    11-12-11 House-hunting is full of decisions, for us and honey bees. One early decision we both face is where to live. P. Kirk Visscher at the University of California, Riverside, often in collaboration with Thomas Seeley at Cornell University, NY, has long b...