• 日本首相夫人点评菅直人

    10-07-25 He lacks dress sense, can't cook to save his life and badly flunked delivering his first policy speech. Meet Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan - as seen by his wife. 他缺乏衣着品味,不会给自己做饭,首次施政演说也一塌糊涂。来看看日本新任首相夫人眼...

  • 酷热难耐 德国领导放员工假

    10-07-25 As Germany wilts in sweltering temperatures, a manager in a Berlin government office told his 260 sweating workers to go home, a newspaper reported Friday, undermining Germans' reputation for efficiency. 这段时间德国的天气酷热难耐,据当地一家报纸上...

  • Salty Coffee 咸咖啡

    10-07-14 He met her at a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promise...

  • Forget and forgive

    10-06-23 As I sat perched(栖息) in the second-floor window of our brick schoolhouse that afternoon, my heart began to sink further with each passing car. This was a day I'd looked forward to for weeks: Miss Pace's fourth-grade, end-of-the-year party. Miss...

  • 调查:英国人看电视时间增多

    10-05-08 Britons have been watching almost 2-1/2 hours more television a week this year as cash-strapped people stay at home more -- and because there's more to watch, figures showed on Tuesday. 本周二公布的数据显示,今年英国人每周看电视的时间增加了约两个半...

  • 静夜思

    10-05-07 静夜思 - 李白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。 Thoughts in the Silent Night --- Li Bai Beside my bed a pool of light--- Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home....

  • 双职家庭中妻子事业仍处于次要地位

    10-04-10 Women might be on a more even footing at work but at home their careers tend to take a backseat to their husband's job with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours, according to a U.S. study. 美国一项研究显示,如今女性在职场中的地...

  • 英国将于2020年前完成超快宽带建设

    10-03-22 Super-fast broadband will be available to every home in the UK by 2020, the prime minister is to promise later. 英国首相将宣布,在2020年之前每个家庭都可以享受到超快宽带服务。 All main political parties say broadband access is important for the UK In...

  • 全球调查:四分之一的人认为女人应该待在家里

    10-03-13 Women head governments, run companies and comprise about half the world's workforce, but a global poll shows that one in four people, most of them young, believe a woman's place is in the home. 尽管女性执政、从商,且构成全世界约一半的劳动力,但一项...

  • 未来家电高度智能化,可相互“交谈”

    10-03-06 A fridge that talks to your washing machine and a television that instructs your dishwasher. It's all possible at CeBIT, the world's top high-tech fair. 冰箱和洗衣机交谈、电视向洗碗机下令在世界顶级高科技展会德国汉诺威通信和信息技术博览会(CeBIT)上...