10-08-08 Thats all right. We dont need help. Were just going to keep on pushing. We push, we push. The thing is slipping a little bit, but we stay with it. Finally -- finally -- we get this car out of the ditch, where were just right there on the blacktop(...
10-08-07 Most Americans think the quality of life for adults under 30 years old, or Generation Y, won't be as good as it is for their baby-boomer parents, according to a new poll. 一项最新民调显示,多数美国人认为30岁以下的年轻人也就是所谓的Y一代的生活质量将...
10-07-31 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Trying a little change of venue(场所,地点) here, mix it up. I want to talk about the progress that we made this week on three fronts, as we work to repair the damage to our economy from this recession(衰退,不景...
10-06-03 Middle-aged Canadians are much less worried about the future than their American counterparts(相对应的人) , some of whom are close to panic, says an Alberta researcher who has just finished a survey in both countries. And she says the differing at...
10-04-26 No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment, which Buddhist(佛教徒) Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool. Th...
10-04-26 Step one: Plant yourself deep in a bed of faith, and pack it down solid and tight. Drench(浸润,湿透) daily with positive thinking, and keep saturated(饱和的) just right. Mulch(覆盖) often with forgivenss, for this will help you grow. Quickly...
10-02-23 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Please have a seat. Have a seat. Good morning, everybody. Before I begin let me just acknowledge(承认,答谢) some of the people who are standing behind me here: First of all, two people who have been...
09-10-31 虽然具体诞生日期不详,但是业界普遍认为1969年10月29日是互联网真正开始运作的日子。这一天,计算机科学家雷纳德克兰罗克带领他的团队亲眼目睹了他们放在加州大学洛杉矶分校实验室的一台电脑跟几百英里外斯坦福研究院的另一台电脑连接并沟通的场景。计算机互联网由此...
09-09-25 The world's biggest chip maker predicts that by 2015 there will be 12 billion devices capable of connecting to 500 billion hours of TV and video content. 世界上最大的芯片制造商英特尔预言,2015年世界上将会有120亿设备连接到5000亿小时的电视和视频内容。...
09-08-15 A stark warning about the finances of the games industry has been aired at the Edinburgh Interactive conference. 爱丁堡人机交互会议上关于游戏工业的财政问题被提出。 The PlayStation no longer dominates pushing up costs for game makers The sector had s...