• uphold multilateralism 维护多边主义

    21-01-28 1月25日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式出席世界经济论坛达沃斯议程对话会并发表特别致辞,阐述了中国的多边主义立...

  • 宫崎骏的名言

    21-01-08 ON INSPIRATION 关于灵感 I get inspiration from my everyday life. 我从自己的日常生活中攫取灵感。 ON CHILDREN 关于儿童 We get strength and encouragement from watching children. 观察儿童让我们获得力量和鼓励。 I dont like games. Youre robbing the precio...

  • career veneer 职业虚景

    20-12-27 Career veneer refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement, increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing. 职业虚...

  • 将来完成时和将来进行时

    20-12-13 英语中的将来完成时(future perfect)和将来进行时(future continuous)都是用来谈论未来事情的时态,那么应如何区分和正确使用它们呢?将来完成时用来说明某个事情会在未来的一个时间点之前完成,它的基本结构为:主语 + will + have + 动词的过去分词。将来进行时...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Preface

    20-11-11 AS a preface is the only place where an author can with propriety explain a purpose or apologize for shortcomings, I venture to avail myself of the privilege to make a statement for the benefit of my readers. As the first part of An Old-Fashioned Gi...

  • The future looks bright 前途一片光明

    20-10-26 人们常用表达 the future looks bright 来表示 对未来将要发生的事情持乐观的态度。你也可以用 ones future looks bright 来表示 某人将在未来的职业生涯中取得成功。 例句 The future looks bright for the company theyve just broken their sales record. 这家公司...

  • good-time girl 只爱玩不真正对待工作的女孩

    20-10-13 剑桥词典里对这个词组是这样解释的:一群只爱玩耍,而不是真正对待工作的年轻女孩。 当老外说Youre a good-time girl,很有可能是对你的工作态度不满意。 例: Dont just be a good-time girl everyday. You should think of your future! 别总是一天天只知道玩,你应...

  • locationship 旅途恋情

    17-02-12 Locationship refers to a brief romantic encounter usually occuring while traveling or on vacation, occasionally outwardly resembling a conventional relationship, but without any underlying comittment. May be rekindled at future opportunities. 旅途恋...

  • 英文合同必备词汇 1

    16-08-03 1. hereafter after this in sequence or in time, in some future time or state(此后,以下) 例句: Both parties must agree to the terms specified hereunder. 双方均须同意以下条款。 2. hereby by this means(以此方式,以此,特此) 例句: I hereby acknow...

  • On Achievements and Dreams

    16-04-03 It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents. We feel free when we escape - even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire. There would be no society if living together depended upon understan...