• 没有勇气就没有力量

    13-04-23 It takes strength to do what must be done when the work is unpleasant and uncomfortable. It takes strength to persist in the face of obstacles, when it would be much easier to simply give up. It takes strength to be polite to someone when that perso...

  • 生命掌握在自己手中

    13-04-08 You! Consider YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one i...

  • 机器人将来或成为人类的仆役

    13-03-29 Swarms of robots acting together to carry out jobs could provide new opportunities for humans to harness the power of machines. Researchers in the Sheffield Centre for Robotics, jointly established by the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam...

  • 对未来期望值低的人可能更长寿

    13-02-28 Older people who have low expectations for a satisfying future may be more likely to live longer, healthier lives than those who see brighter days ahead, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Our findings rev...

  • Setting my resolutions for Chinese New Year

    13-02-25 With the Year of the Snake practically upon us, and with the solar New Year fast fading into distant memory, I have been ruminating(反刍,沉思) over the habit that so many people have of making new year resolutions ... and then breaking them just...

  • 美国东部地区将出现极端气候

    12-12-18 From extreme drought to super storms, many wonder what the future holds for the climate of the eastern United States. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, does away with(废除,去掉) the guessing. Results show...

  • 2013世界最佳出生地:瑞士

    12-12-03 Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world in 2013, and the US is just 16th. 瑞士是2013年世界上的最佳出生地,而美国只排在第16位。 A new study produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit says American babies will have a dimmer future than...

  • 《绿灯侠》六

    12-11-16 影片对白 Hector: Rough night, huh? Hal: Hector. How you doing? What have you been up to ? Hector: Same old, same old. Hal: Yeah. Me too. Senator Robert Hammond: Hal Jordan. Worst pilot I've ever seen. Or the best. Not quite sure. Hal: I've been call...

  • 利用森林调节气候变化

    12-08-16 A new report by U.S. and Canadian scientists analyzes decades of research and concludes that the climate of the Northeast has changed and is likely to change more. The report outlines the effects of climate change on multiple aspects of forests in t...

  • 每天都是新起点

    12-07-23 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite--- I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious,...