• 表示良好的情绪

    22-08-11 The future looks very bright/rosy. 未来是光明的。 She brightened up when she heard the news. 她听到那个消息就开心了起来。 His face lit up when he saw them. 他看到他们,面露喜色。 They had shining eyes and beaming/dazzling smiles. 他们眼眸明亮,笑容...

  • 10句可能触动你的美剧台词

    22-05-23 1. Whatever the future brings, you are my light. 不管未来如何,你都是我的光。《风中的女王》 2. You are a grown-up. There comes a point in time that you got to take control of your own life. 你是成年人了,你总要开始学会掌控自己的人生。《无耻之徒》 3....

  • beam with joy 眉飞色舞

    22-04-02 眉飞色舞,汉语成语,形容人说得滔滔不绝、非常喜悦、得意、兴奋的样子。可以翻译为beam with joy,be as cheerful as a lark等。 例句: 眉飞色舞的表情 Animated expression 女人们眉飞色舞地谈论着未来。 The women talked about the future with great enthusiasm....

  • take precautions beforehand 未雨绸缪

    22-03-23 未雨绸缪,汉语成语,意思是趁着天没下雨,先修缮房屋门窗(repair the house before it rains)。比喻事先做好准备工作,预防意外的事发生(take precautions beforehand,provide against the future,save (something) for a rainy day)。 例句: 我打算未雨绸缪,...

  • face-judger 颜控

    21-11-16 尽管相貌好看的人从古至今都招人爱,并在社会竞争中占据优势,但像如今这样,颜控泛滥,只看颜值(facial attractiveness),也是一种前所未有的景观。 颜控,网络流行语,指极度看重外貌、相信颜值即正义(Appearance is power)的人,英文可以翻译为face-judger。 控...

  • 经典劝学语录

    21-09-24 You know some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 电影The Shawshank Redemption No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with...

  • good-time 快活的、纵情作乐的

    21-06-18 good-time字面可以理解为好时光,还可以表示:快活的、纵情作乐的。 good-time girl的英文释义是:a young woman who is only interested in pleasure, not in serious activities, work, etc. 也就是喜欢玩乐,但不是喜欢工作的女孩。所以,别人说Youre a good-time g...

  • in the near future 指日可待

    21-05-22 指日可待,汉语成语,意思是指为期不远,不久就可以实现。可以翻译为be just around the corner, can be realized soon或 in the near future等。 例句: 好日子指日可待。 Better days are just around the corner....

  • get over someone 忘记一个人

    21-04-28 短语 get over something 的意思是 从不愉快的事情中恢复过来;get over someone 的意思则是 忘记一个人,因为和这个人之间可能曾经发生过不愉快的事情,它多用在描述人们在分手后,忘掉过往和对方的语境中。 例句 I feel ready to move on now and think about the fu...

  • 科幻小说能帮助人类吗?

    21-03-03 What will the future be like? Good or bad? A lot of science-fiction writing imagines a world which is dark and scary. In Blade Runner, Harrison Ford hunts robots in a chaotic Los Angeles. Planet of the Apes shows a bleak future for humankind. And wh...