21-12-20 短语 the leader of the pack 的意思是领头者,起领头作用。 例句 Bradley Wiggins is the leader of the pack in the Tour de France! For many, Madonna is seen at the leader of the pack in the world of female pop stars. 请注意 短语 a pack mentality 的意思...
21-12-08 韩国近日的一项调查发现,70%的韩国人坦言压力很大。疫情持久战、债台高筑、买不起房,再加上快节奏的生活,让许多韩国人只想找个地方静一静。或者是到一个茶馆呆着,什么也不做,或者是看一场画面单一没有情节的电影。放空,成为韩国人治愈自己的流行方式。 Tucked aw...
21-11-10 要问近期最火的女明星是谁,非玲娜贝儿莫属。过去的一个月里,这位迪士尼新晋顶流频频登上热搜,收割无数粉丝。各大网红博主纷纷化身站姐,蹲守迪士尼,随时捕捉其最新动态。 After debuting at Shanghai Disneyland Resort, LinaBell has become a viral sensation on...
21-10-04 Thank you. You have truly a kind heart. Take this net. When the boar appears, throw it at him right away. The younger brother thanked the dwarf. He carried the net and walked into the forest looking for the boar. 谢谢你。你真是个心地善良的人。带上这...
21-08-30 日前,国务院第三次全国国土调查领导小组办公室、自然资源部、国家统计局发布《第三次全国国土调查主要数据公报》。 China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands, of which mangrove forests account for 27,100, according to the third natio...
21-07-06 表达heebie-jeebies表示因恐惧而感觉紧张焦虑或烦躁不安。Heebie和jeebies这两个词单独使用并没有任何含义。据说这个表达源于20世纪初的美国,通过报纸媒体的传播很快成为时尚用语,几年后便流传到了英国,被这里的人广泛使用。 例句 This place gives me the heebie-j...
21-04-14 如今,不少人为了追求健康都选择喝无糖饮料。元气森林凭借0糖、0脂肪、0卡路里的宣传卖点迅速抢占市场,成为了国内的网红饮料品牌。 而近日,元气森林的一则致歉声明却登上了热搜。 China beverage brand Genki Forest apologized Saturday for deceptively advertisin...
21-03-21 国家林业和草原局与国家统计局近日联合发布的研究数据显示,我国林地林木资源持续增长,以第九次全国森林资源清查期末2018年为基准测算,全国林地林木资产总价值为25.05万亿元,较2013年增长17.66%。 Chinas forest resources have steadily increased over the years,...
21-01-15 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近日印发《关于全面推行林长制的意见》,加强对森林和草原的保护。意见提出,2022年6月在全国全面建立林长制。 China has issued a guideline to implement a forest chief scheme nationwide amid the countrys continuous efforts to pr...
21-01-03 How do you relax after a stressful day in the office? There are many remedies to help you unwind, but the best solution, according to some experts, lies in the great outdoors. It takes a little effort to get there but the benefits can be a perfect t...