• 森林大火威胁斑点猫头鹰的生存

    16-08-03 As climate changes and wildfires get larger, hotter and more frequent, how should public lands in the American West be managed to protect endangered creatures that, like the spotted owl, rely on fire-prone old-growth forests? Could periodic forest t...

  • 2011-2015中国投资898亿保护森林

    16-06-14 China invested 89.8 billion yuan (13.7 bln U.S. dollars) in projects for the conservation of natural forest resources from 2011 to 2015, a government report revealed on Tuesday. 周二发布的一份政府工作报告显示,2011年至2015年中国已投资898亿元人民币(...

  • The Trespass Fetches Herself for Sacrifice

    16-05-17 The Trespass Fetches Herself for Sacrifice HeidiLynn Nilsson We are not surprised, those of us who are made, weve been told, in Gods image, that our God, who has neither tissue nor tail, is a jealous God. What makes us snappish, after all, about God...

  • 《美丽的森林》已通过2017奥斯卡最佳动画短片初选

    16-05-12 A Chinese cartoon movie Beautiful Forest has made its way to the preliminary stage in the Best Animated Short Film category of the 2017 Academy Award. 一部中国动画电影《美丽的森林》已经通过2017年奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片的初选阶段。 The 7-minute long...

  • 气候变化会导致阿拉斯加野火频率增加

    16-05-12 Climate change is melting glaciers, reducing sea-ice cover and increasing wildlife activity - with some of the most dramatic impacts occurring in the northern high latitudes. New research by University of Montana affiliate scientist Adam Young and U...

  • 科学家在中印边境发现新品种鸟类

    16-01-21 A new species of bird has been discovered in northeastern India and adjacent parts of China by a team of scientists from Sweden, China, the U.S., India and Russia. The bird, described in the current issue of the journal Avian Research, has been name...

  • Spring's Here -- Finally

    16-01-13 The waterfall behind our house at the lower end of Lake Edenwold is a thundering cascade of spring runoff from the melting snows of winter. It's been a three-week drum roll leading up to today, when the cymbal will crash and the earth will arrive at...

  • 温带森林的碳储量被高估

    15-11-25 Digital measurements of millions of trees indicate that previous studies likely overestimate the amount of carbon stored by temperate U.S. forests, according to a new NASA study. The findings could help scientists better understand the impact that t...

  • forest tourism 森林旅游

    15-09-09 The 2015 China Forest Tour Festival will be held in Wuhan, Hubei province in October, the State Forestry Administration said on August 26. 8月26日,国家林业局表示,2015中国森林旅游节将于10月在湖北武汉举行。 The festival is set to boost the growth of...

  • A little rabbit is running 奔跑的小白兔

    15-06-09 A little rabbit is happily running through the forest when he stumbles upon a giraffe rolling a joint. The rabbit looks at her and says, Giraffe my friend, why do you do this? Come with me running through the forest, you'll feel so much better! The...