23-01-28 A week later, Maleficent flew high in the air, noticing a familiar figure roaming around the forest clearing. She smiled and accelerated, then gently dropped down behind Stefan. He turned, startled by her sudden appearance. Well, well. Look who came...
22-12-21 The prince let out a sigh. He was tired of the endless hunts. The pageantry of it all the racing endlessly through the forest after a helpless beast that had done nothing to deserve its fate. Yet he was the prince. The days hunt had started out like...
22-11-28 一份新报告称,在 2021 年,每分钟约有面积相当于 16 个足球场的树木被森林大火烧毁。 This report confirms what many people have long suspected. More and more trees are being destroyed as forest fires are getting worse all over the world. 这份报告证实了...
22-09-07 In another part of the forest, Maximus, the palace guard horse, was still eagerly sniffing the ground for Flynn Rider. Furious about losing Flynn, he saw one of Flynns wantedposters. In a frenzy, Maximus ripped it from the tree with his teeth and sh...
22-09-07 This is incredible! Rapunzel said as she and Flynn walked deeper into the forest. But then she remembered how her mother would feel if she knew shed disobeyed her. Rapunzel shook her head. Mother would be so furious. She looked at Flynn and said, Bu...
22-07-04 Cant see the forest for the trees 只见树木不见森林 含义: 无法从更广的角度观察局面;无法看清整体或大局。 例句: Yuki is very detail-oriented, but she is not able to see the forest for the trees. 尤姬非常注重细节,但她没法看清大局。...
22-06-13 赤手空拳,汉语成语,形容两手空空,一无所有。可以翻译为bare-handed,unarmed或have only empty (bare) hands等。 例句: 他赤手空拳打死了那条蛇。 He killed the snake with his bare hands. 在温哥华北部森林一位母亲赤手空拳,凭借自己的智慧击退美洲狮。 Using...
22-05-07 hole up 躲藏 Hole up in a house somewhere. Disappear for a few weeks. 找栋房子窝着,消失几个礼拜。 Notes:hole up表示躲藏,避难,例句如下: Its snowing heavily. I wanna hole up in my bedroom and finish this novel. 外面雪下得好大。我要窝在卧室里把这本...
22-01-21 Billy! Charlie called as soon as he got out of the car. I turned toward the house, beckoning to Jacob as I ducked under theporch. I heard Charlie greeting them loudly behind me. Im going to pretend I didnt see you behind the wheel, Jake, he saiddisa...
21-12-28 通常来说,户外的地面叫做 the ground, 室内的地面而是 the floor. 不过有一个例外 例句 In a rainforest, only about 2% of the light that hits the tops of trees reaches the forest floor. The forest floor is fundamental to the whole ecosystem. It is where...