• 澳姐妹87小时不间断观看世界杯 创世界纪录

    10-06-26 Two Australian sisters have set an unofficial world record for continuous TV-watching after sitting through 87 hours of uninterrupted World Cup and football coverage. 来自澳大利亚的一对姐妹因87小时不间断观看世界杯比赛转播和足球赛事报道,创下了一项非...

  • 德国公司应允许员工上班时看世界杯

    10-06-13 Germans should be allowed to watch the football World Cup on television at work without getting into trouble with their superiors, the head of the national employers' association said Thursday. 德国雇主协会主席于本周四称,德国公司应允许员工们在上班...

  • 南非世界杯正式揭幕 安全隐患不容忽视

    10-06-13 举世瞩目的第19届南非世界杯于北京时间昨晚在约翰内斯堡足球城体育场正式揭幕,这是世界杯比赛首次在非洲大陆举办,91岁的南非前总统曼德拉因曾孙女遭遇车祸身亡而未能现身开幕式现...

  • 世界杯球迷需慎防听力损伤

    10-06-12 Football fans attending the World Cup risk permanent damage to their hearing from the vuvuzela horns which are the must-have accessory at the tournament in South Africa, a study said Monday. 本周一公布的一项研究称,南非世界杯上球迷必备的一种名叫巫巫...

  • 英球迷安抚女友以看世界杯

    10-06-12 British men are gearing up to spend a small fortune in presents to mollify their wives and girlfriends for all the time they intend to spend watching this summer's soccer World Cup, a new survey showed. 一项最新调查显示,英国男性打算小花一笔钱买礼物...

  • 英国禁止足球流氓前往南非

    10-06-12 Crime prevention minister James Brokenshire has begged England fans to behave well during the forthcoming World Cup - while taking drastic steps to stop the worst football hooligans getting to South Africa. 英国犯罪预防部大臣詹姆斯布罗肯希尔日前向英...

  • 世界杯使南非秃鹫面临绝迹

    10-06-12 南非野生动物组织最近发出警告称,南非秃鹫正在因为赌球者的大量猎杀而面临绝迹。在南非当地,盛行将秃鹫脑髓晒干卷成烟卷抽,认为这能带来预知未来的超自然能力。为了能预测世界杯的比赛结果,从而下注赢利,当地人大量猎杀秃鹫获取脑髓。 Muti magic could accelerat...

  • 2010世界杯:南非将迎来历史性时刻

    10-06-11 South Africa is preparing for the start of the biggest football tournament on earth, the World Cup, which gets under way on Friday in Johannesburg. 南非正在为世界上最大的足球比赛世界杯开幕式做好准备,本届世界杯将于当地时间本周五在约翰尼斯堡开幕。 Wo...

  • 日本欲申办2022年世界杯 大打科技牌

    10-06-05 Japan has devised a high-tech bid for the 2022 World Cup. 近日,日本为申办2022年世界杯大打科技牌。 The country, which co-hosted the football tournament(比赛,锦标赛) with Korea in 2002, hopes to convince Fifa to award it the tournament for a secon...

  • 德国国家队球星自爆“怪癖”

    10-06-05 Germany's top stars have revealed the rituals which they hope will help the national side claim their fourth World Cup title in South Africa next month. 德国国家足球队的球星们日前纷纷晒出他们在比赛前的一些怪癖,并希望这些怪癖能帮助他们捧得第四个世界...