• WAGs 太太团

    12-04-24 WAGs (or Wags) is an acronym, used particularly by the British tabloid press, to describe the wives and girlfriends of high-profile football players, originally the England national football team. The term came into common use during the 2006 FIFA W...

  • 意大利球星齐纳格里亚离世

    12-04-02 Former Italy football international Giorgio Chinaglia has died aged 65 at his home in Florida. 前意大利国际球星吉奥吉奥齐纳格里亚在佛罗里达州的家中逝世,享年65岁。 Giorgio Chinaglia joined Pele at the New York Cosmos in 1976 Chinaglia, who was born...

  • 巴西足联主席里卡多辞职

    12-03-13 The head of Brazil's football federation, Ricardo Teixeira, has stepped down from his post, days after taking sick leave. 巴西足联主席里卡多辞职,日前他曾请过病假。 He also resigned from the 2014 World Cup organising committee. Mr Teixeira, who led...

  • 皇马连续七年位居最富有的足球俱乐部

    12-02-09 Real Madrid's revenues of 480m euros (401m) topped the Deloitte league table of the world's richest football clubs for the seventh straight year. 皇家马德里队4.8亿欧元的年收入连续七年位居德勒最富有的足球俱乐部排行榜榜首。 Deloitte's Football Money L...

  • 一场特殊的足球比赛

    11-12-13 Mike was late for school. He said to his teacher, Mr. Black, Excuse me for my coming late, sir. I watched a football match in my dream. Why did it make you late? inquired the teacher. Because neither team could win the game, so it lasted a long time...

  • 巴西球星批评国际足联干预巴西内政

    11-10-11 Former Brazil football star Romario has said Fifa must not be allowed to dictate changes to Brazilian law ahead of the World Cup in 2014. 前巴西球星罗马里奥称,2014年世界杯以前国际足联不应该被允许改变巴西法律。 Romario says Brazil must not be a 'sla...

  • I Need Your Football

    11-10-09 George knocked on the door of his friend's house. When his friend's mother answered he asked, Can Albert come out to play? No, said the mother, It's too cold. Well, then, said George, Can his football come out to play ? 乔冶敲着他朋友家的门。当朋友...

  • 哥伦比亚足球国家队教练辞职

    11-08-10 The coach of the Colombian national football team Hernan Dario Gomez, better known as Bolillo, has resigned. 哥伦比亚国家足球队教练尔南达里奥戈麦斯,俗称波利欧,已经辞职。 he main sponsors, brewers Bavaria, welcomed the resignation of Gomez He had b...

  • 贝克汉姆新生女儿照片首次曝光

    11-07-24 David and Victoria Beckham have posted pictures of themselves with baby Harper Seven on social networking sites. 日前,大卫贝克汉姆及妻子维多利亚在社交网站公布了他们与新生女儿哈珀赛文的合影。 Daddy's little girl: Victoria Beckham has posted the firs...

  • 美国将与日本角逐女子世界杯

    11-07-14 The United States will play Japan in the Fifa Women's World Cup final on Sunday 17 July. 美国将与7月17日对阵日本,角逐女子世界杯决赛奖杯。 USA scored twice in the last 11 minutes to overcome France 3-1 in the first semi-final. The favourites, biddin...