• Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 22 Hide and Seek

    22-01-21 It had taken much less time than Id thought all the terror, thedespair, the shattering of my heart. The minutes were ticking by moreslowly than usual. Jasper still hadnt come back when I returned toAlice. I was afraid to be in the same room with her...

  • 2021年十部优秀红色影视剧 上

    21-12-28 2021年恰逢中国共产党成立100周年,在此时间节点上,献礼片成为今年影视行业的关键词。在今年播出的献礼建党百年佳作中,《觉醒年代》无疑是话题度和讨论度最高的。此外,《大浪淘沙》、《长津湖》等影视剧也备受观众喜爱。下面我们盘点了2021年的十部优秀红色影视剧,...

  • 2021豆瓣评分前10部BBC推荐电影 下

    21-12-28 Minari《米纳里》 豆瓣评分:7.3 Lee Isaac Chungs autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy. Most of the dialogue is in Korean, so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language...

  • 2021豆瓣评分前10部BBC推荐电影 上

    21-12-28 虽然没能躲过疫情影响,但是2021年上映的电影仍然不乏佳片:《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》、《驾驶我的车》、《沙丘》 好片不怕晚,年底补起来! Spider-Man: No Way Home 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》 豆瓣评分:8.0 Now that Marvels superheroes have saved the Universe, their ne...

  • give someone a hand 助他人一臂之力

    21-12-17 短语 to give someone a hand 意思就是说给谁帮忙, 助他人一臂之力。 例句 Im really finding my homework difficult. Can you give me a hand? Look at all the washing up! I really need someone to give me a hand! Louise is so kind shes always ready to give...

  • 人们为什么爱看恐怖片

    21-12-07 虽然不是人人都爱看恐怖片,但却有不少人对这类电影情有独钟。除了享受被吓得 魂飞魄散 的感觉,还有没有其它的因素? Whats your favourite genre of film? For many people who love being petrified, or scared out of their wits, by jump scares that answer will...

  • binge-watch “刷剧”、连续看片

    21-12-06 英语中,动词词组 to binge on something 用来描述对某事无节制的狂热行为,尤其形容无节制地吃易上瘾的食物,如巧克力。合成词 binge-watch 是个较新的表达,指用成套影碟或在线观影设备等连续地看同一部电视剧或系列电影。 例句 Ive just got the box-set, all ten e...

  • knock your socks off 叹为观止

    21-12-06 当事物、景象让你叹为观止,震撼不已时,则可以用非正式表达knock your socks off 把袜子都给震下来了来形容这种感受。 例句 If you can get to the summit at sunrise, the view will knock your socks off. That film you recommended was amazing. It knocked my so...

  • 12月5部佳片云集

    21-11-30 Spider-Man: No Way Home 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》 Now that Marvels superheroes have saved the Universe, their next job is obvious: they have to save the multiverse. In the third of the Spider-Man blockbusters starring Tom Holland, the teenage web-spinner...

  • 11月必看的5部新片

    21-11-03 Encanto《魔法满屋》 Encanto, the 60th feature film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, is the colourful tale of a Colombian family in which everyone has superhuman powers everyone, that is, except for one teenager, Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz). Direc...