• set one's heart on something 心心念念

    22-08-01 心心念念,汉语成语,意思是心里老是想着,形容殷切的盼望或惦念。可以翻译为set ones heart on something,constantly think of等。 例句: 心心念念想当电影明星 Keep dreaming of becoming a film star 她心心念念想去观赏湖边风光。 She set her heart on seeing t...

  • incomparable 无与伦比

    22-07-08 无与伦比,汉语成语,意思是事物非常完美,没有能够与它相比的同类的东西。可以翻译为incomparable,matchless,unique或unparalleled等。 例句: 那部电影众人瞩目,在电影史上无与伦比。 The film demands attention and has no equal in cinema history. 萨伏伊酒店...

  • 7月精彩新片 上

    22-07-04 1. Nope《不》 A politically-charged sci-fi horror mystery with a very short title? Yes, Nope is the third film from Jordan Peele, the brilliant writer-director of Get Out and Us. For his alien-abduction movie, Peele reunites with the star of Get Out...

  • 我不知道

    22-06-09 1. Dunno 这个词为非正式用语,一般在口语中使用,孩子们不想回答父母的问题时会经常用到这个词。 e.g. When do you have to submit this essay? Dunno. I cant remember. 例句:你什么时候要交论文?不知道,不记得了。 2. I have no idea/I havent a clue/I havent t...

  • 老外常用的10个潮词

    22-06-07 1. meh: 还行,一般,相当于shrug的口语版(可自行脑补老外耸肩的动作) The film was a bit meh. 这片儿一般吧。 2. lookalike: 山寨明星脸(这种相似可以是天生的,也可以是通过装扮达到的) Have you seen the Prince William and Kate Middleton lookalikes over t...

  • 六月精彩新片

    22-06-06 Jurassic World Dominion《侏罗纪世界3》 Jurassic World Dominion is the final film in the second trilogy of dino-movies and its the first one which really deserves to be called Jurassic World rather than Jurassic Park. Yes, prehistoric monsters are ou...

  • 如何评价一部电影——场景 scenes

    22-05-11 scenes that exemplify the film directors style. 体现了影片导演风格的场景 Do you remember the heart-rending scene in the film where the hero says his final farewells to his dying wife? 你还记得那部电影中主人公向他临终的妻子诀别的那个令人心碎的镜头吗...

  • 英语母语者常用的生动活泼的习语 1

    22-04-13 1. After you.你先请。 这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车的场合你都可以表现一下。 (好像现在女士不愿意你这么做,特别是那些女权主义者,我还记得这么一段话:一个女士对一个让她先行的男士说:You do this because I am a woman? 那个男士回答说:I do this...

  • long-drawn-out 冗长拖沓

    22-02-23 合成形容词 long-drawn-out 的意思是 过程或事件耗时过久,冗长的,也就是 拖拖拉拉,拖泥带水,常暗示此事让人感到沮丧和无聊。 例句 It was such a long-drawn-out film that I fell asleep. Nothing seemed to happen and I was so bored. 这部电影拖拖拉拉,我都睡...

  • 英国电视制作业投资回升

    22-02-23 过去一年,英国用于制作电视节目的资金创新高,达 40 亿英镑,这一数字几乎是疫情前的两倍。 In 2013, high-end TV production in the UK was around 400 million. Its now ten times that, at more than 4 billion. 2013年,英国高端电视节目的制作费用约为4亿英镑。...