21-10-14 表达 its all Greek to me 的字面意思是 这对我来说全是希腊文,实际用来比喻别人的话语或文字 对我来说非常难懂,完全不明白。 例句 His handwriting is so bad, I cant read it. Its all Greek to me. 他写的字太难看了,我看不懂。看着就像天书一样。 Do you unders...
21-10-09 Dune《沙丘》 Now at last we have a big-screen Dune that may actually do justice to Frank Herberts science-fiction novel. Directed by Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049, Arrival), this is a sombre, sweeping epic which runs for 155 minutes and still...
21-09-25 Just、yet 和 already 都是常用于现在完成时中的表时间的状语。在使用的过程中,应该注意它们在句子中的位置。如能掌握这三个副词的含义,则可以更准确地理解句意。 小提示:在现在完成时的语句中,单词 just 指刚刚发生过的动作;yet 表示到现在为止尚未发生的事情;...
21-09-17 当我们想表示 弄不明白某件事情 时,可以使用表达 cant make head nor tail of something。这个表达用来强调某人搞不清楚某件事情或状况,摸不着头脑,一头雾水。 例句 That film was really confusing I couldnt make head nor tail of it. 这部电影非常混乱,看得我...
21-09-02 短语 to get a handle on something 的意思是理解、掌握某事。 例句 I used to be terrible at maths but after lots of hard work, I think Ive got a handle on it now. If I could just get a handle on this new project at work, Im sure the boss would give me...
21-08-30 1. The Godfather by Mario Puzo 马里奥普佐的《教父》 An obvious choice, perhaps, but a reflection of how seminal it is to the genre. Francis Ford Coppolas film adaptation is regarded as one of the greatest of all time, but the book is a classic in it...
21-08-04 如果你被形容为 top of the heap 那就是说你在财富、权利或能力上胜人一筹,冠绝群雄。 例句 Minchee is now the CEO at an accountancy firm. I always knew she would get to the top of the heap. When it comes to photographers, Barbara is at the top of the he...
21-07-29 一个人在消磨时间的时候往往都会做一些轻松开心的事。To while away the time 纯粹是为了放松而放松或者是以轻松的方式消磨时间以便等待其他事情。 例句 The film doesnt start for another hour. Why dont we while away the time with a walk in the park? When I wa...
21-07-15 想象一个人把桌子上所有的钱都纳入囊中的情景。表达 sweep the board 的原意是赢得所有的赌注,后来这个说法用来表示选手、队伍或作品在比赛中获得所有的奖项,即大获全胜。人们常在谈论体育项目的语境中使用这一说法。 例句 The blockbuster swept the board with 10...
21-07-05 Black Widow《黑寡妇》 Scarlett Johanssons Natasha Romanoff finally gets her own solo film, a decade after the Russian spy was introduced in Iron Man 2. Inconveniently, she was killed off in Avengers: Endgame, but Loki and Vision came back from the d...