• 2019中国将成全球最大的时装市场

    18-12-07 China is expected to overtake the United States as the largest fashion market in 2019, according to a report by McKinsey Company and media outlet The Business of Fashion. 麦肯锡咨询公司和媒体时装商业评论的一份报告显示,2019年中国有望取代美国成为全球...

  • 2017维密秀将在中国上海举办

    17-09-08 The Victorias Secret Fashion Show is headed to China. 2017年的维密秀将在中国举办。 The Angels will make their debut down the runway in Shanghai for the first time this fall. The show will be broadcast in more than 190 countries on Nov. 28. Models in...

  • 高跟鞋似乎重回男装时尚

    17-07-04 There are various ways in which society deems it acceptable for women to enhance their looks but not men. 这个社会可以接受女人提升形象的各种方法,但是男人却不行。 Want to make your eyes look bigger? Mascara. Need to cover a spot? Concealer. Want to...

  • “巴黎世家购物袋”售价高达870英镑

    17-07-03 You might resent paying 5p for a carrier bag in your local supermarket but the biggest designers want you to fork out 174 times that price for one. 你可能会不愿意花5便士在当地超市买一个购物袋,但顶级设计师们却要你为此支付174倍的价钱。 Fashion houses...

  • 男士乳贴在日本热销

    17-07-03 A Japanese sports shop is reporting a surge in demand for nipple covers as mammary gland concealment becomes all the rage in the eccentric Far-Eastern country. 据一家日本体育用品商店称,顾客对乳贴的需求激增。这是因为日本这个奇葩的国家现在十分流行隐...

  • 迷你包正以碾压的姿态横扫时尚界

    17-04-15 When it comes to designer handbags, size matters -- but not in the way youd think. If you want to make a big style statement this season, you need to go tiny. 一说到名牌包,尺寸大小是最重要的,但并不是你所想的那样。要想在这一季潮范儿十足,首选就是小...

  • 范冰冰林志玲将同台比美

    16-08-25 Two gorgeous stars from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Fan Bingbing and Lin Chi-ling will meet in an upcoming fashion show, a reality television series which is scheduled to premiere on September 3rd on the Shanghai-based Dragon TV. 两位来自中国大...

  • “防狗仔”围巾 躲避偷拍的制胜法宝

    16-07-06 A new paparazzi-proof scarf could be a game-changer for celebrities who prefer to shy away from the limelight. 眼下,一款新式的防狗仔围巾已然成为名人们躲避偷拍的制胜法宝。 The ISHU scarf is the brainchild of Dutch-born fashion entrepreneur Saif Sidd...

  • fast fashion 快时尚

    16-06-03 Fast fashion refers to low-cost, quickly-made clothing that copies the latest high-end fashions. 快时尚指仿照高端时尚品牌最新的款式,以低成本、快速生产的模式制造出来的服装产品。 Unlike conventional clothing companies where designers plan their new l...

  • 女性的职位通常受早晨打扮时间长短的影响

    16-05-27 Theres a scene in the 2006 movie The Devil Wears Prada where Anne Hathaways character, Andrea Sachs, gets a makeover that literally makes her better at her job. 2006年上映的电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》中有一个场景,安妮海瑟薇扮演的安德莉亚萨克斯因为精心...