• 寡妇杀手拒绝以劳动换假释

    23-01-29 以几个小时的劳动来换取一点自由应该是很小的代价。可是意大利最臭名昭著的犯人之一,黑寡妇,却断然拒绝了法庭提出的假释条件。她在1998年因谋杀罪被判29年。 Patrizia Reggiani once said shed rather cry in a Rolls (Royce) than be happy on a bicycle. She doesn...

  • 和时尚有关的词语

    22-10-19 1. What word describes clothes that are informal and comfortable to wear? a) smart b) old-fashioned c) casual 2. Which one of these words is NOT an item of clothing? a) jumper b) socks c) smart 3. What word describes something that is modern and is...

  • 买二手衣服 减少你的时尚碳足迹

    22-10-18 越来越多的消费者选择购买二手衣物,他们认为这样做更环保。这种购物习惯的改变也在迫使时尚行业发生改变。 The destructive impact of fast fashion on the environment is widely documented. So how can we, as consumers, reduce our fashion footprint? One obvio...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 19

    22-10-17 AMARANTA RSULA returned with the angels of December, driven on a sailors breeze, leading her husband by a silk rope tied around his neck. She appeared without warning, wearing an ivory-colored dress, a string of pearls that reached almost to her kne...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 29

    22-09-15 Michael Corleone had taken precautions against every eventuality. His planning was faultless, his security impeccable. He was patient, hoping to use the full year to prepare. But he was not to get his necessary year because fate itself took a stand...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 49

    22-07-21 The story which Philip made out in one way and another was terrible. One of the grievances of the women-students was that Fanny Price would never share their gay meals in restaurants, and the reason was obvious: she had been oppressed by dire povert...

  • fashion victim 时装奴

    21-12-28 如果形容一个人是 A fashion victim 那么就意味着这个人是个被流行牵着鼻子走的人,时装奴。 例句 Look at Dave. Hes wearing ridiculous skinny jeans and a leather jacket even though hes 50. Hes such a fashion victim. Does this purple Mohican suit me? I know...

  • 取个好名字到底有多重要?

    21-09-10 给孩子取名是很多做父母的人生命中最重要的决定之一,因为一个人的名字通常会伴随其一生。本期 随身英语 讨论取个好名字究竟有多重要。 New parents often spend a long time debating what to call their newborn. Should they name them after a relative, a famous...